Have you even been in a situation where you were taking pills for - TopicsExpress


Have you even been in a situation where you were taking pills for depression among other things and to be stuck in a deep dark place dwelling on the negativity in your life from your past as well as the now, to have thoughts of just ending it all by doing something silly - well that was ME, a lot of it could have been self pity, who knows what it was but it was a deep and dark place that I was in where you just feel alone even though I was surrounded by people who love, cared and were there to support me. Two weeks ago I made the decision to change things in my life for the better, I joined back at the gym, I changed my way of eating dramatically where I have stopped eating rice, pasta, bread, take away food and oils along with soft drinks and cordial. People may think this is just a health kick and I will soon get over it but this is how I want to live my life - its hard to believe in such a short period of time how much motivation and drive I am feeling, there is a body image I have set my goal for and I wont stop until I reach it. I am not taking any depression pills etc and at the moment i feel fantastic. I just wanted to share this because there are others out similar situations that I was in, my advice is MAKE THE CHANGE - just little steps to diet and exercise can put you in a very positive mindset
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:08:54 +0000

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