Have you ever been SO excited for something, it brings you to - TopicsExpress


Have you ever been SO excited for something, it brings you to tears? I spent the last month and a half (between completing T25 and attempting the Ultimate Reset - throw in a Vegas trip and a trip home to Ohio) feeling pretty overwhelmed and pull in all directions. For the past 2 years, I have dealt with headaches lasting weeks at a time. I would wake up with a headache and go to bed with a headache. I was completely miserable, sick, and unhappy. I was mean to my husband and impatient with my kids. I had ZERO energy to do simple things such as cook dinner or fold a load of laundry. I was missing valuable time with my kids and my husband just to be in bed. I was slowly losing control of my life and my future. Just about around that same time, I decided to go see my OBGYN. Sitting on that table, she confirmed I have what is called PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). If you are not familiar with this syndrome, here is a small tidbit of what I deal with on a DAILY basis: - Headaches - Trouble losing weight - Excessive weight gain in small periods of time - Foggy brain - Excess hair growth - Low energy - States of depression - Insulin Resistant - Fertility Issues This was heartbreaking and de-womanizing news, as I had NO issues before getting pregnant. But the most difficult news was that conceiving a child would not be as easy as the first. Finally, my husband was on board with adding another beautiful baby to our family and my body was not capable of doing so. As I locked myself in the bathroom crying, all I could think about was my dream of being a mom to many children. That’s who I am. That’s what I do best. That’s what I want for MY life. I sat there and said “I WILL fix all that is wrong and CHANGE my life.” At that point, there was NO more feeling sorry for myself. I was already at my LOWEST point and I was scared what would happen if I dropped below my lowest point. I saw myself losing my relationships and my sense of who I wanted to be. Do you know what happens when you reach your lowest point in your life? I could have done two things, I could have let PCOS define ME or I could DEFINE PCOS! 1 week before flying out to Las Vegas for my first Beachbody Summit, I made the 45 min drive into the city to see my Reproductive Endo. It had been 2 years since I have had a scan to see how many cysts were on my ovaries. Last year (November), there were 12-18 cysts PER OVARY. As the doctor did the test, she looked at me and said these words I will NEVER forget “Hunny, you are cyst free!” There was NO way, right? She confirmed that my reproductive system was (in her words) beautiful and ready! Talk about a SPEECHLESS moment! As I sit here today, in full stream of tears, I think back to reading this website about PCOS: Losing weight can help treat the hormone changes and health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol. Losing just 5% of your body weight can help your hormone imbalance and may make it easier to get pregnant. For a 160-pound woman, thats just 8 pounds! I have lost 28 lbs. I did NOT let PCOS define me. I broke the “standards” on a horrible condition. I continue to amaze myself everyday and if it weren’t for Beachbody and the support I was given, I would have NEVER of gotten this far! I have HUGE goals for myself over the next year and I don’t see myself slowing down at any point. Why would I? T25 and Shaun T had taught me how to have NO EXCUSES. My Beachbody team has taught me that I AM IMPORTANT. I can help others just like me, feel and look the way I do. I have gained confidence in myself, my marriage, and my parenting. But MOST importantly, I am on the path to conceiving a beautiful baby to add to my already wonderful and loving family. This in itself, I am grateful for what Beachbody stands for and allowing me to gain my life back! “I’m so happy I could cry.” These were the words I said to my husband last night at the amazement of what a person can do without modern medicine and artificial “shortcuts”. I took control of my life and I did something about it! Beachbody can and WILL change your life!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 02:25:48 +0000

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