Have you met our 10 year old son, Jace? When he was 3 years old, - TopicsExpress


Have you met our 10 year old son, Jace? When he was 3 years old, he was diagnosed with Autism. He did not speak fluently so that he could be clearly understood by strangers until he was about 5 years old. He never made eye contact, made some really awful, loud, high pitched squealing noises, he always played alone, he slammed cabinet doors like it was a game, spun in circles, and had behavior issues. Along with Developmental Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy and ABA training, we did what most parents dont do: we tested him and treated him for Candida Yeast Overgrowth. Two and a half months ago, our son was removed from the Autism spectrum all together. He will be eleven years old next month. (Dare I say, he was CURED from Autism?) Im scared to use the term, cured. He definitely still has challenges, and his Autism diagnosis was replaced with a different label that indicates that yes, he is different from his typically developing peers, but the new diagnosis is somewhat of an upgrade from Autism, according to the doctors and school. Do you love someone with Autism? If you trust me, I will show you exactly what I did to treat our sons Autism. I cannot guarantee a cure, or any results, but I can show you what worked for us! Maybe it will work for you, too! Email me, and I will set you up with a free health consultation. You could literally spend hundreds of dollars each month treating yeast. Luckily, Plexus has a few products that may help with this issue and they are a fraction of the cost of what you would buy locally at the natural/health food stores- and they WORK beautifully!
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 11:18:52 +0000

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