Hebrew bible I: Genesis 1: 1 - 2: Most biblical scholars tend to - TopicsExpress


Hebrew bible I: Genesis 1: 1 - 2: Most biblical scholars tend to be pedantic. (obscure and doctrinaire). This principle was not absent nor stranger to this. The very first text in Genesis is a “Proverb” In the beginning. Implies when everything began. Reactio ex nigelo. Creation out of anything. It meant that God created everything out of nothing. When God began to create everything. Roush = Head. Ancient languages use parts of the body to create meaning. Nostril = anger. Strength = arm. In beginning God created sky and earth, (shemeiah,), try to bring people into Hebrew consciousness. Get people out of their post modern set, is not moving standing at a flat obscure state looking at an open space. For the Hebrew the stars were stuck in un moving set. Where they standing was the center of everything. God created first sky and earth. They are convice God was involve in creation and explain in a liturgical way. Keep it alive by repeating it. This is not science. Is to keep community together. God is engage in the world recreating. The second sentence start with a clause. The earth being fohuw wahow. Englsih word = caos. Jeremiah: The world is so terrible is returning to fohuw wahow. The world is caos. The world without God, has darkness, caos is fohuw wahow. Tehom = deep. T’amat. Salt water god. Hebrews took it to form. Egyptians had a more peaceful theory of how the world was created. Darkness a wing of God. Is god wind. A God awful wind. Brewing a hurricane. A howling wind. Disaster. Feel yourself into the wind hurricane of darkness. Get the emotions connections. The world without God is a disaster. And then “the light came out” They knew the ancient stories. God created the world. Then earth was structure, order, organized. The Hebrews ask the basics questions. What does stories do? They open dialogue ideas. The H. did not wrote theological stories, nor essays. They wrote stories. There is no propaganda in the Bible. Is a connection between people in the story. Story of presence and power of God in their lives. God does not need the sun to create light, the moon does not create light. God can create all this things. The sun and the moon does not need to be worship. What we have here is a God who is multiple, God is not plural. Is singular. One God. Elohim largest. The city of Nineveh. God like city. The very first three sentences set the tone. If we know: Who God is. The power of God in relation to the creation. This is the way the universe proceeds. The word sun and start are not included in this story. Astrology is nonsense. God created all and all is good. The H. did not knew anything from the brain or parts of inside anatomy and physiology of our bodies. Verse 24 and 26: Domestic animals and un domestic animals. And God said let’s make Adam according to our own image and likeness… The last group God talked is the animals. So God created man human and animal. The point is I don’t know what he intended. I want the text speak to me in multiple ways. Is the richness of the text. Verse 26. Tellis and demus: Sermonic: If I really think that God created man according to his own image: I would treat everybody differently. Man and women in God’s divine nature. God is as much as female and men. When I look at women in this room I’m looking at God. The same principle goes for man.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 16:00:03 +0000

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