Hello Linda thank you for your friend request . Like all my new - TopicsExpress


Hello Linda thank you for your friend request . Like all my new facebook friends i want to warn you to please note the following: in my timeline I share explicit images of animal abuse, I promote Veganism , social isuess from my country and others ecohandmade . For a better understanding if you are disturbed by any of the issues I posted above you can use the facebook option to unfollow . Thank you for your virtual frienship Ruxandra This is the mesage i send to all my friends request that come from the nonvegan area . I sent it to Linda Myers Miller Patrick . This person REQUESTED MY FRIENDSHIP . She wanted to be friends with me a person that has 90 % an public VEGAN ACTIV profile This person come from a paper bead group . What this person make after this message ? On a post about how scientists have found that it takes lobsters between 35 - 45 seconds to die when plunged into a pot of boiling water and if they are dismembered their nervous system can still function for up to an hour she said : But they taste so good ........... How low an iq you have to do this ,Off course i told her that it is exactly like telling the rapist it is ok to rape because it feels good and unfriend the idiot , What was her answer ? Look the inteligence :You are fricking nuts if you think my comment means the same thing as saying it is ok for a rapist to rape.....get a life. and block me So let me get this right you ask for my frienship an blatant,undisguised, unconcealed VEGAN and then make a comment like that and you are ofended??? It is something very wrong with people like this , So if there are other like that please do not ask for my friendship you idiots if after you make antivegan or plain idiot coments
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:21:15 +0000

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