Hello everyone!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your - TopicsExpress


Hello everyone!! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your love and concern. The prayers and well wishes are quite welcome, not to mention comforting. I know I have been missing in action for a while now. With my sweet little Haley and Bugs having such health issues it has meant that I have been burning the candle at both ends and it has left no time for anything else...like sleeping, eating or resting! I have been leaving early in the morning and then returning at about 10 or 10:30 at night. I will get a quick bite to eat and then pass out. In the middle of all of this, Bugs health issues required that we move to a new facility. Getting settled into a new barn and getting to know people has its own challenges especially when you have a convalescing horse. So Bugs is on a diet of grass turnout and equine senior. No hay at all for a while. We dont exactly live in a green belt so finding green grass is a challenge. I have added diligent sprinkler/irrigation monitoring to my responsibilities. After his first hospital stay he came home with a good size thrombosis in his jugular vein. It was from his catheter site. When he went back in for his second stay they put a catheter in his leg. Anyway, the thrombosis is not going down and when he comes off of the antibiotics the site swells and so does his head and face. He needs surgery to clean out the jugular vein and the surrounding area. This will happen on Tuesday. Hopefully it will all go well. The colic issues seem to be okay but that is how it is with his colic, he seems good until he isnt. So we wont be out of the woods for awhile. Meanwhile, Haley is doing terrific! Everyone seems to anticipate that the biopsy would come back as an osteosarcoma. This is most common in the larger dogs and also a more aggressive variety of cancer. So we were buying her quality of life as well as some time. But...it turns out that it was a fibrous sarcoma. This is fantastic news since it her type doesnt tend to metastasize and we got it all when we removed the leg. I am feeling guarded but quite optimistic. I seems that she has a pretty good prognosis. We will X-ray her chest for a while to be sure that all is well. She did have some intestinal issues and bloody stool for a bit due to all of the medications, but we seem to be back on track there. She is bright and adapting well. We have a lot of things we are trying to figure out together...like getting in the truck. The ramps and stairs seem to scare her (she has always been quite sensitive). So we keep muddling through sorting it out as we go. We have been using a harness for support and that seems to help. Sue Beedoo has been a Godsend! Her love, support, encouragement and knowledge has given me infinitesimal comfort. Bugs and Haley wouldnt be where they are without her...I know she doesnt like accolades but I cant help myself. I love my FB family and knowing that you are all here and concerned is an amazing phenomenon to be. Saga Stevin, Kem Minnick, Jo Ellen Ohayon, Anna M. Wilhelmi, Rachel Rice, Carolyn Jenkinson, Veronica King, Rebecca Thomas, Max Easey, Laurie Wilson Fatland, Sonya Steiner, Joan Miller, Diane Wilcox, Riandi Maré, Lianne Bowman, Jessica Gonzalez (I know I am missing a bunch of you right now!) but thank you all for checking in to see that I am still alive and doing okay!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:01:02 +0000

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