Hello friends and family, I hope you all had a great Christmas - TopicsExpress


Hello friends and family, I hope you all had a great Christmas and holiday season! Well, one of my personal resolutions going into this new year is to eliminate as much negativity and pessimism I can out of my life, as well as me myself being that way. I have a ton to be thankful for and you all are a part of that. Sooooo, I have made it a personnel mission to include one of the biggest, and that is this facebook. This could be such a wonderful tool to keep in touch with you all and what is going on, as well as meet new friends, but for some of you and me included its turned into a negative, name slinging downer. So so much bad stuff being posted, tons of it not even true, just driving us all apart in small bits at a time. To much hate! I get off here after looking at all this not feeling good. So from this day forward I will be un-liking, un-friending, and un-following any group, political page, news outlet page, dog abuse, bad videos, negative humanity sites, as well as friends who promote and continue to push this stuff. If you feel that I am doing this in the future un-friend me, because I surly dont want to make you feel this way either. I will be positive and passing on only good, positive stuff in the future. Along with my loves of life, my family and what going on,my passion for fly fishing and nature and wildlife and my time spent in my beautiful beloved mountains. I hope you all understand and maybe follow suit, we have to change this negative world and it starts with me. I hope you all have a great year! Get out and do what you want to, and spend time with you loved ones and family as much as you can. Good luck and thanks Rod
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:49:25 +0000

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