Herbs of Samhain Many of the herbs that are used during Mabon - TopicsExpress


Herbs of Samhain Many of the herbs that are used during Mabon may also be used during Samhain. Governed by the planetary sphere of Saturn. Aconite, since very early times, has almost always been used for baneful magick. According to Greek myth it was used as a poison by Medea ( Hecates daughter ) in revenge upon a lover whom deserted her. Medieval Witches were also reputed to have dipped flint chips in this herbs extract and fling them at helpless victims, where upon the victim would soon afterwards, die. These were known as elf bolts. Arrows dipped in this herb was also said to cure werewolves, which may give reason for its alternative name, Wolfsbane. This herb is also listed, among other deadly poisonous herbs, in the infamous flying ointment. *Aspen: The Valley of the river Styx ( in the Greek Underworld ) was said to be full of this tree. The Goddess is described as white, and this could refer to the whiteness of a corpse in Her destructive aspect. However, its connection with the Sun comes from the fact that the Sun disappears nightly into the Underworld as it sets. *Belladonna ( Deadly Poisonous ): Sacred to the Morrigan, Bellona, Circe and Hecate. Part of its Latin name, Atropa, comes from Atropos, one of the Greek Goddess of Fate and daughter to the Goddess of Night. *Blackthorn: Another herb sacred to the Dark Goddess trio of The Morrigan as well as the Death/Harvest Goddess Kerridwen. In the ogham script ( the tree alphabet ) it is known as Straif ( from which we derive the word strife ). In ancient Saxon witchcraft blackthorn wands and staffs/staves were used to invoke the Wild Hunt to carry off the soul of an enemy. The thorns were even allegedly used in cursing as pin to be driven into an image made of wax. However, that anything wielded from blackthorn of power and strength without compassion and wisdom can just as easily destroy the wielder as the target. For, this is a tree which can either cause great ill or great good, and, a wonderful one to be used in protection. *Catnip: This herb can aid in shapeshifting work. As well as used to connect with, or invoke, Kerridwen in Her cat aspect/form. She is a Dark Goddess, the womb and the tomb. The white sow which eats decaying matter, part of the great cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. *Chervil: It bears five seeds, the Goddess sacred number, within the seed pod ( or womb of the plant ). Witches were said to use the black seeds to produce the double vision. This herb is sacred to Kerridwen and the secret of Her cauldron, which can be seen as both Her earth-womb of regeneration and the sacred herbs potion which forever changes the mind of the initiate as Her myth may conceal a bardic initiation ritual. Because it is an herb of Kerridwen it may be used to connect with ancestor spirits at Samhain, which is when She reigns. *Fumitory: Governed by the planetary sphere of Saturn. Has strong mythical connections with the Earths inner spirit and the Underworld. *Hemlock ( Deadly Poisonous ): Governed by the planetary sphere of Saturn. This herb is believed to have been one of the sacred herbs used by King Solomon to consecrate his ritual blade. Sacred to the Greek Witch Goddess, Hecate and, its connections with baneful magick are incredibly strong. It was also, in fact, used as an infusion during executions. *Hellebore ( Deadly Poisonous ): Governed by the planetary sphere of Saturn. Sacred to the spinning Goddess, Athene and the Witch/Underworld Goddess, Hecate. It is also another of the ingredients in the highly toxic flying ointment. *Henbane ( Deadly Poisonous ): Governed by the planetary sphere of Saturn. In Hades the dead souls were crowned by wreaths of henbane. It is also sacred to the Crone aspects of The Goddess. *Hops: The Latin name for the plant comes from the word hummus meaning deep which is believed to refer to the fact that this plant flourishes in deep soil. The other half of its botanical name lupulus means wolf. The hops is associated with the Wild Wolf, which in Celtic mythology ruled over the dead times. The Wolf is associated with Underworld deities, and stands next to Cernnunos on the Gundestrop Cauldron. *Juniper: Is often used at pivotal points of the Great Wheel, which include Samhain and Midwinter. In ancient Greece the Juniper was sacred to the Faeries, the avenging spirits sent by the gods to administer justice. *Mullein: Governed by the planetary sphere of Saturn. The dried leaves were used in grimoires as a substitute for graveyard dirt. *Myrrh: Myrrh incense is used in funerary rites and may be used at Mabon to mark the death of our Lord and at Samhain to mourn Him. *Rowan: The Irish Druids used rowan fires to invoke to aid armies in battle. The red berries are marked with the sign of the pentagram. *Turnips: Because pumpkins were not indigenous to Ireland, turnips were used as the original jack-o-lantern. Legend tells of a man named Jack OLantern who was so cruel that he was banned from heaven to walk the Earth forever with only a lump of coal to light his way. Later, however, the turnip was replaced with a pumpkin.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 04:52:20 +0000

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