Here Comes Santa: Run Like Hell! Our passion for Christmas has - TopicsExpress


Here Comes Santa: Run Like Hell! Our passion for Christmas has become somewhat of a rite; and a tradition we’re accustomed to, because it seems magical. It’s a feel-good festival of visuals, tastes, smells, melodies and memories. We think we’re celebrating the birth of Jesus, but we were partying long before He arrived. We should have taken His message more seriously and stopped the fanfare of paganism, consumerism and humanism; but we didn’t. We created a nativity scene, told Him to lie there, while we merrily carried on with our pageantry of the winter solstice. Many holiday activities in Great Britain and the United States have come from Germany’s alluring tales. And these tales can be traced back, not only to Rome, but also to Babylon and Baal-worship. That’s frightening, or should be, but so are Santa Claus and his dark alter ego, Dark Pete. Santa has many names, and so does Pete. Legend has it they travel together like the gods of old. It’s almost like the two represent an out-in-front image of light, fashioned like Apollo, the pagan god of the Sun; and a behind-the-scenes image of darkness, fashioned like the satyr of Bacchus, the pagan god of wine, merriment and ecstasy: Similar to the pope dressed in white, whilst behind the scenes the black pope really runs the show. And with all the name changing over the centuries, it’s hard to keep up with the gods; but replay the same story every year; and we’ll remember the fairy-tales. The sad truth is Santa Claus was fashioned out of Baal gods to replace God and Christ, because that’s what Satan does in his twisted tales, as he tried to do in heaven. His goal is to create “The Replacements”, so that every soul is found guilty of breaking the First Commandment, and going after Baal. Why are the gods of today considered Baal gods, just like those were, like in Rome, Greece, Egypt, and Babylon? The Hebrew word “Baalim” means “lords” (Judges 2:11). But because England was full of ruling lords, they chose not to translate this particular word in the English versions of the Bible. They didn’t translate “raca” either, which is the Hebrew word for “bow”, as we were instructed not to ask our brothers to bow to us. Baal can refer to a real person, or a graven image statue, back then, or today; because it’s any replacement of the “I AM” God, or Christ. And these replacements are all false, whether they be human or man-made. God and Christ hold this title and position above the people exclusively. It’s no surprise that Santa Claus was designed to replace our Lord. Santa Claus is an anagram for Satan Lucas; and to Satanists, anagrams are important, because they hide the mysteries of the cult. So, Santa/Satan tries to replace God and His Feasts with his Christmas pagan festivities. He likes to be clever; and humans like to be occupied with trifles, fun and games. Santa isn’t generous; he’s greedy. He steals our money and time. He was created by the Babylonian market system to increase the wealth of the merchants and markets, already owned and operated by the rich and powerful. In a sense, Christmas tales were the original propaganda to create the holiday season we wrongfully celebrate today. For example, in 1939, Robert L. May wrote the story of Rudolph, the red nose reindeer, for Montgomery Ward department stores. In 1947, The Miracle of 34th Street endeared our hearts to a little-old man and his miracles, if we believed. The salutation “Merry Christmas” comes from A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens in 1843. Christmas-time propaganda didn’t start, or end, with these examples. And Santa didn’t start out as Sanat, oops Satan [Sanat is another anagram used in the New Age occult]; he started as Saint Nicholas, fashioned after a 4th-century Catholic bishop in what is now modern-day Turkey, known for his gift-giving. The Roman Universal Church had no problem portraying one of its own as a replacement god, as that’s kind of its forté, like the pope calling himself the Holy Father – God. Why not a twist? On one hand, we have Saint Nicholas playing “Father Christmas” and on the other hand, we have jolly old St. Nick, with Old Nick being a well-established nickname for Satan. But Bishop Nicholas wasn’t as nice as we have come to believe. He appeared at the First Council of Nicaea, called by Emperor Constantine to develop a universal doctrine that would eventually usher in canon law. Nicholas was involved in portraying the Jews as “the children of the devil”. It was also Emperor Constantine who was instrumental in changing the day of rest from the Sabbath to Sunday, the day of the sun. In Rome, it would become illegal to observe the Sabbath, the day decreed by God. Do you know how many times it is mentioned in the Holy Bible to observe Father’s Sabbaths, not to mention it being His Eighth Heavenly Commandment of The Law? [Yet, man still decides on a Satan-inspired replacement day]. The Roman Universal Church used its hatred toward Jews as propaganda, to move all Israelites away from the Torah, the true Law Book; and the Covenant that Jesus came to re-instate for all the Houses of Israel, not just the House of Judah. But the Holy Roman Empire made up its own doctrine and laws in defiance of and contrary to God’s Law; even deeming Jesus’ birthday to be December 25, so that they could carry on honoring their sun god, whether they call it Nimrod, Bacchus, Apollo or Dasher and Dancer. Baal is as Baal does. Consecrating saints as gods, and creating special days for them and parading their relics are pagan activities, not to mention all the feasts to gluttonize in their honor, which increases the size of their garments. The Santa god with his demon, Krampus, half-goat/half man (Wikimedia Commons) In Revelation, Christ addresses this false doctrine when He addresses the church in Pergamos of modern-day Turkey, “I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, [even] where Satan’s seat [is]: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas [was] my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth. But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the followers of St. [Ni]-Claus (Yuletide), which thing I hate (Rev. 2:13-15).” Pergamos holds Satan’s seat, once located in Pergamos, before it moved to Rome. [But the seven churches mentioned in Revelation are a subject for another article.] The point is that Christ hates Christmas and Baal doctrine. Rome never gave up its paganism, but only increased it around the world. Essentially, the winter solstice festivals of Saturnalia and Brumalia carry on today under replacement names. Saturnalia is a festival to honor the sun god Saturn, once celebrated with banquets, gift-giving, partying, and a festival of lights and candles. Sound like Christmas? Brumalia is a festival honoring the sun god Bacchus, a month long celebration of wine and merriment. Sound like the holidays? Brumalia was influenced by the festival of Lenaia, which became known for its theatrical competitions. The theater continued. During medieval times, Christmas plays were acted out from scriptures and the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. These popular plays combined humor and religion; and St. Nicholas and his satyr-demon sidekick were reoccurring characters. Today, we have passion plays that reenact Jesus’ crucifixion over and over again. Pagan worship was and is about the “birth, death and rebirth” of the sun gods. Thus, the story of Jesus conveniently fits into the mix and He became included, instead of their Baalmania being excluded. They claim the church aligned Christian-beliefs with pagan-beliefs to convert the pagans; but the opposite has occurred, because Baal is booming in the big picture show, even in Hollywood. The Holy (?) Roman Empire used this unification of beliefs for its gain and successful conquest of the masses. While Christmas and other winter festivals were banned in history, even at times by the Church, their usefulness as a lucrative venture for the dark side far outweighed any other impression of them. With today’s division of church and state, the state might as well go ahead and place a plaster of “Little Nicky” in the manger, because Jesus isn’t a graven-image statue anyway. Furthermore, He hates idolatry. And all those images of Him, aren’t Him; but are imaginations (Genesis 6:5). It shouldn’t matter what He looks like. Christ’s Message was and is the point, still. Satan never came up with a better one; and he can inspire men to erect phallic symbols all over the world, telling our Heavenly Father to “you know what”; but his efforts are pointless, because in the end all his insulting jabs and symbolism will be destroyed, even pagan Christmas rituals. St. Nicholas wasn’t the only Catholic associated with Christmas. Although Christmas hymns appeared as early as the 4th century, St. Francis of Assisi was influential in traditionalizing them in the 13th century churches. He also popularized the nativity scene in Rome, which would later be produced in Germany in 1860. St. Boniface, a bishop assigned to Germany, has been credited with creating the fir Christmas tree, which is odd, because he cut down a pagan-oak tree. He pointed out that the fir’s shape pointed to Heaven and should be the people’s customary tree. But maybe he was privy into the “(ph)allucy” symbolism. Some might have missed the point to the switch. But no one should have missed this scripture about pagan tree-worship, “For the customs of the people [are] vain: for [one] cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not (Jeremiah 10:3-4).” This scripture gives a clue that decorating with evergreen trees and trimmings, wreaths, and garlands was an ancient Baal custom; and an abomination to God. The Church can reason all it wants that the winter festivals are about Christ. We can too for that matter, because it’s so ingrained in us to wrongly equate the festivities with Christ, that we’d fight to keep them. We’d justify them to hang on to tradition, but we’re really just trying to hang on to being human. Satan has used the Christmas propaganda to program our minds to defy God; and we need to undo the programming and obey God, not Satan. All winter festivals, including this thing we call “Christmas” will not enter the Sabbath millennium, so why keep doing as the pagans do? Pagans celebrated the birth of their gods; covenanters weren’t meant to celebrate a birth date of a body named Jesus that Christ used. If we were, then a date would have been given, as well as a commandment to do so. Again, we were commanded to keep the Sabbaths; AND we were given markers for counting them such as the Hebrew Sabbatical Calendar known as Stonehenge. We were also given instructions in the Book of Numbers on how to count them. If we need a day to cherish the Lord, many were given in the form of Sabbaths. There is the weekly Sabbath to rest and spend time with Father; there is the Sabbath that should occur every seven years to release all debts; and there is Sabbath that should occur every 50 years to redistribute the wealth among the people. The gifts of Father’s Sabbaths are far more valuable than anything Satan Lucas can give. If people want razzle-dazzle, flying reindeer, candles, canes, firs, and treats, then Satan surely supplies them. If people want a quiet, calm love, inner joy, and peace, Father supplies them. Wisdom is a gift; but it’s a gift for the humble and faithful; it’s a joyful knowing of the Truth. Satan’s materialistic gifts come in shiny packages with big bows with no-lasting pleasure, demonstrated by children who tire of their toys before the snow melts. Deep down, they know they are getting a temporary fix to quell their own spiritual desire to know Truth, that they don’t get from their parents who tell them lies, like there is a Santa who knows them, when the truth is that it is our Heavenly Father Who does. Children shouldn’t be bribed and deceived into paganism with fictional lies; they should be taught righteousness. They shouldn’t be showered with gifts as if they are little gods; they should get what they need when they need it; and be taught the value of taking care of their things. Again, humans like hoopla, even on their birthdays, such as the Egyptian Pharaoh in Gen. 40:20 and king Herod in Mark 6:21; but men of God curse theirs, like Jeremiah (Jer. 20:14) and Job (Job 3:1). They probably recognized their human bodies were the crosses their spirits had to bear on Earth. But for the Pharaoh and Herod, everybody sang, “Happy Baal-Raca to them”. It certainly makes one wonder if the pagan gods have human origins, instead of celestial ones – maybe legend just turned humans into fantasy gods, which would explain all the nonsense of affairs, wars, births, relations, charisma, beauty, hobbies and the collections of props surrounding their mysterious religions, or cults. For instance, what if the biblical Nimrod, who was worshipped as a god, became one through legendary tales? It’s not hard for us to create legends; look at Marilyn Monroe; haven’t we made her into a goddess, over the years? As far as Nimrod goes, there is a story that his legs and arms were chopped off and sent out in the land of Shinar. This was punishment for his sacrificing little babies on the winter solstice. Then, we have the story of Nimrod the precursor of the god Dagon, who would crop up in the Roman Catholic Church in some fishy ways. This Nimrod was “dismembered” and Egyptians thought his body parts were thrown into the Nile River. Because a fish supposedly ate them, Nimrod morphed into a half-fish, half-man god. [Don’t laugh. We were way more primitive in our thinking back then. Yet, today we still believe in fairy-tales, like how buildings fall and buses are bombed.] Next, suppose an official robe of some sort was made to symbolize this legend – let’s say a robe with a fish-head hood. Then, we were told that whoever wore this robe was the personification or embodiment of this Nimrod-Dagon character-god. Well, not all of us tried it on for size; but some might if it were fashionable to do so, like Papa Nimrod or Father Christmas. Paganism is highly ritualistic with great emphasis put on superstition. That’s why this fish-head mitre hat holds importance, or eating fish on Fridays or eating 12 courses of it for Christmas. Then there’s the Irish legend of the Salmon of Wisdom. Krampus Taking the Babies (it must be around sacrifice time). Click to enlarge In the Biblical sense, Nimrod represents Babylon: “And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the Earth. He was a mighty hunter before the “I AM”: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the “I AM”. And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (Gen. 10:8-10).” “Then the Prophet prophesied greatly of Wrath and of WOE to come upon Mizraim’s king and people, and all that made Cush (Ethiopia) their home.Weak and poor shall it be. Three kings shall come from the East: Nimrod (Babylon), Madai (Medes) and Elam (Persia) to break down the sacred beast (Teia Tephi 2:5).” Tephi was Zedekiah’s daughter who escaped Jerusalem after it fell to Babylon. Jeremiah took her, the tender twig, to Ireland and planted her there along with Jacob’s Pillar Stone and The Ark of The Covenant. She would write prophecy concerning Rome, specifically pointing out what Jeremiah said, “Baal shall be broken, yet he shall rise as the sun, red and gold is his rising… the wealth of many ‘waters’ hath swollen the hide of the bull.” She does indicate Rome is the wolf that mourns not, but that her altars would be cast down (Teia Tephi 4:2). Plus, many scholars believe Dagon represents Nimrod of Babylon. The pagan Nimrod also plays Osiris and Horus. Their props are wings, reindeer and fir trees, often featured with them in ancient artwork. Nimrod, who is a great “deer” hunter, flies through the air during the great winter hunt. In Scandinavian countries, these props are Beiwe’s, a female goddess of fertility who flies through the air in a chariot made with reindeer bones, ushering back the greenery for their feed. Does this sound like the origins of Santa’s slaying Christ? Later, we’d be given the “celestial” names of the reindeer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixon, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen. Donner and Blitzen (originally Dunder and Blixem) are German for thunder and lighting. Why Rudolph with his nose so bright? Before Satan played Rudolph to guide “The slay”, he played a satyr with a bright red tongue, known as Krampus or Knecht Ruprecht; and he played Dark Pete with bright red lips. Maybe for newcomers like those in Britain and the United States, a demonic goat was too hard to swallow; but we’d welcome cute reindeer, little elves, flashy lights and decked trees. Simon Magus, Demons and The Birth of Wine on the Miegeville’s Gate of the Saint Sernin Abbey in Toulouse, France (Pierre Selim, Wikimedia Commons) Deut. 32:33 Their wine (is) the poison of dragons (Rev. 12:9, 13, 17), and the cruel venom of vipers (Matthew chapters 3:7; 12:34; 23:33). Looking at the markers, it’s part of the same dragon-tale of lies. And from the markers, it looks as though Nimrod could have played Bacchus, with this character having markers to Simon Pater Magus, the false apostle Simon Pater-Peter. If PATER said he was the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to lure Christians, it’s not a far-fetched idea he claimed to be Zeus, Apollo or even Bacchus. He probably imitated Satan, being many different entities to many different people, kind of like when mediums channel him. To one, he is Ra; and to another, he goes “Out on a Limb”. These are all clues Satan is insane and suffers from multiple-personality disorder. Baal priests were said to be able to make wine overnight, like Bacchus did. Remember, he was the god of winery, merriment, theatre and ecstasy. His wine, music and dance were said to free his followers. If one thinks about it, wine does lower inhibitions; but it lowers one’s spiritual ability to stay connected to Father. In a drunken state, a person becomes very human, with human emotions like sadness and anger. And in a state of blackout, a person can be totally operated by Satan, completely unaware of his actions or words and later unable to remember what he/she did. This state can also be induced by other methods, like when Beyoncé becomes Sasha. It’s very destructive to the soul. Being spiritually awake means being very aware of one’s actions and words; and being aware of the good and bad within, then following the good. Being drunk makes one stupid, clumsy and delusional, not to mention sick. Unfortunately, many intelligent and spiritual people get drunk to forget they’re in hell, or escape the fact they haven’t found the “answers” in their mind-boggling search for wisdom. Wisdom isn’t found at the bottom of a bottle, which only serves to take away any intelligence they thought they had in the first place. This is probably why God uses the allegory of “wine and drunkenness” with the Whore of Babylon. Look at this Bacchus character and his props. He is associated with the summer grapevine, winter ivy, pines, bulls and goats (and figs). Grapes make wine; pines preserve wine; bull horns are used to drink it; and goatskins used to hold it. Ivy is like an alter ego of the grapevine that grows and flowers in winter, yet bares no fruit. It’s usually wrapped around Bacchus thyrsus, a long wand, which is topped with a pine-cone, yet another point to make. It’s a wand and a weapon. If Bacchus wasn’t a real person transformed into a god, then the practice or “creation of wine” became one – and one to keep people drunk and delusional. By the way, the Church says it uses ivy in its décor, because its heart-shape form represents Christ coming to Earth. What? Heart-shapes represent Cupid, but that’s another saintly character. Interestingly, Bacchus has his own sidekick, who is none other than a satyr with an erect penis. Shocking, isn’t it? Someone is marking his territory. Bacchus and his satyr, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Wikimedia Commons) Tree-worship is a marker of paganism. Bacchus, like Nimrod, is associated with tree worship that would make its way to the North, with a god named Thor and Yuletide customs. In more modern times, the Christmas tree was popularized in Germany; making its way into the British monarchy by marriage. King George III (Mad King George) married Germany’s Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who was also the Electress of Hanover in the Holy (?) Roman Empire. Thus, Queen Victoria was familiar with the Christmas tree from her kin. Victoria married Germany’s Prince Albert, and the custom gained popularity. Then in 1848, a portrait of the Queen’s Christmas tree at Windsor Castle was published in the Illustrated London News; and later made its way to the U.S. in Godey’s Lady’s Book. This was a major step in Christmas propaganda, but it wasn’t the only route, as German settlers also brought it to the states, as well as the song “O Tannenbaum” which means fir tree, not Christmas tree.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 01:54:00 +0000

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