Here are words that JESUS embraced and had as part of HIMSELF to - TopicsExpress


Here are words that JESUS embraced and had as part of HIMSELF to embrace and live with forever and ever more by GODs Will in CHRIST JESUS. humble-lowly; meek; not proud, arrogant, or assuming; modest, being without pride. meek-submissive; humble; patient; gentle; mild. mild-gentle; kind; placid; calm, or temperate, as weather. patient (patience)-able to put up with problems or pain without complaining or becoming angry. submission-humbleness; obedience. faith-the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen; being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see; the foundation of things expected; the proof of what you expect even though you do not see it. expect-to look forward to; to look on as likely to happen; to anticipate, waiting; hopeful. confidence-that in which faith is put; belief; trust; feeling of security. confident-having assurance. excess-that which surpasses or goes beyond a definite limit. exceed-to pass or go beyond the limit of; to excel. excel-to surpass, especially in good qualities. content- freedom from anxiety. secure-free from care, anxiety, fear; safe; fixed; stable; certain; confident. firm-fixed; steady; unwavering. fixed-firm; established; secure; permanent; not apt to change; steady. established-fixed; permanent; supported by GOD. stable-firmly fixed, established; steady; lasting. steadfast-firmly fixed; steady; constant; not changing or wavering. steady-firm; constant; uniform. invariable-not displaying change; always uniform. uniform-having always same form; conforming to one pattern; consistent; not varying. constant-fixed; steadfast; invariable, permanent; that which is not subject to change. consist- to be composed of; to be in a fixed or permanent state; to be compatible with. consecrate-to set apart for sacred uses; to dedicate; to set aside or dedicate for GODs use. enthusiasm-passionate zeal for a person, object or pursuit; eager interest. ardor-burning; passionate; eager; warmth of passion; zeal. eager- inflamed with desire; burning with passion; zeal. zeal-intense enthusiasm for cause or person; passionate ardor; eagerness; strong desire. fervor-glow; passion; ardor; zeal; enthusiasm; burning with devotion. persevere-to refuse to give up; to keep on trying; to continue in ones actions or beliefs in spite of problems. wholehearted-sincere; devoted without holding anything back. begotten-having been fully and wholly gotten by GOD. beatify-to render supremely blessed and happy; to bless with celestial enjoyment. beatitude-highest form of heavenly happiness; supreme blessedness.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 16:54:10 +0000

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