Here exposed is the rank hypocrisy of Liberal Democrat politicians - TopicsExpress


Here exposed is the rank hypocrisy of Liberal Democrat politicians (and like-minded Chamber-of-Commerce-owned Republican Establishment types): she wished she could simply take home the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities. First, pro-amnesty/open borders political dogs, of both Parties, do not have the right to give away what is not theirs to give (American citizenship and all the rights that go with it). But what IS theirs to give, they WONT give. Pelosi, infamous for her stupidity, says she would like to take all the thousands home. Well, what is stopping her from taking 5, or 10, or 20 of these illiterate illegal lone children back to her house. To make the analogy more completely pointed, Nancy Pelosi should take back 10 or 20 illegals to her home, and then have legal documents drawn up to give those illegals EQUAL LEGAL title to all her land and home holdings, so that they are not there as charity wards but as co-equal inhabitants with full equal rights to all that is hers. If she did this, it would be an example of Pelosi screwing herself, big time, and of course she wont do it. But she and her ilk demand that the rest of us Americans do screw ourselves and our country and our descendants by letting in tens of millions of illegals (98% of whom vote for the Party that will give them the biggest welfare payouts) and giving them full legal rights that go with true legal citizenship. She presents herself as Caring but her actions are traitorous: Saturday at a press conference from the Rio Grande Valley, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed her tour of a border holding facility and addressed the humanitarian crisis of thousands unaccompanied minors flooding across the U.S.-Mexico border, which she called a humanitarian opportunity. Pelosi explained, We are all Americans -- north and south in this hemisphere, and urged America to see this as not a crisis but an opportunity to be helpful. She also said she wished she could simply take home the thousands of children temporarily housed in the overburden facilities. According to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency, in the past fiscal year more than 47,000 unaccompanied children have crossed the border into the United States through Mexico with the majority coming from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Pelosi mentions some Catholic Bishop who apparently wants amnesty (they hypocritically call it Justice) for these illegals. The same goes for these rank hypocrites: Let them open their residences to 10 or 20 illegals and give them Full Legal right of co-ownership with the Bishops .... if they are not willing to do this to themselves, then they are rank and disgusting hypocrites for grandstanding about how it is Justice that America screw itself so destructively. 100 million Americans are out of work, and these dogs want to flood the country with millions of illiterate low-wage workers. Christ had a name for such people, he called them Whited Sepulchers all white and shiny on the outside, but inside filled with all matter of corruption. breitbart/Breitbart-TV/2014/06/28/Pelosi-on-the-Border-We-Have-to-Use-This-Crisis-as-an-Opportunity
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:24:24 +0000

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