Here goes nothing... Im thankful for not ending up on the path I - TopicsExpress


Here goes nothing... Im thankful for not ending up on the path I was going.. 4 years ago I most likely would not have made it. So thank you Bones Hopkins for dragging my ass to New York to straighten me out and make sure I didnt become what I was starring toward thank you for taking me from my biological dad and teaching me how to become a women your the best mother I could ever ask for you made me who I am today I am a stronger person and better person because of you. . Thank you Jessika Lynne Atkinson for all the memories in florida and how I miss you dearly. Thank you Kiersten Nicole Pangallo for the years of friendship that we still have and I hope to see you soon because I miss you and the family like crazy. Thank you Storm Shave for the 3 years the ups and downs but managing to still be there for me I appreciate that. Thank you Skyler Finney for everything you have done for me I couldnt have done it with out you. Thank you Alannah ODell oh my meatball:] theres so much to say not enough time Im happy your my meatball I really am even the ups and downs your still there
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 14:38:44 +0000

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