Here is a list ofTop 10 Phobias. 1.Arachnophobia: Fear of - TopicsExpress


Here is a list ofTop 10 Phobias. 1.Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders. Chronic arachnophobia even fear the pictures of spiders. 2.Social Phobia: Fear of social setups.It should not be confused with shyness; it is really the dread of social situations. It may emanate from several reasons like being scrutinized by others or getting evaluated negatively in social situations or feeling humiliated by one’s own actions etc. Social phobia is likely to take its root in the formative years of human development i.e. childhood or teens. 3.Aerophobia: Fear of flying. such people suffer from the fright of travel by a plane, obviously. This kind of phobia is often paired with claustrophobia (refer at serial no 5). 4.Agoraphobia: Fear and so the avoidance of any place or situation where escape or any help might not be available or the escape routeor method is complicated. It aggravates when anxiety or panic stricken and it may be self-perpetuating. Chronic agoraphobes believe that the only safe place in the world is home andtherefore they prefer to confine themselves within the four walls oftheir abode. 5.Claustrophobia: The fear of the confined spaces or more specifically, the fear of being trapped in small confined spaces. People who suffer from this phobiaprefer to stay away from elevators,small cupboards or space under the stairwell etc. Panic attacks can be experienced if if the escape is not available or it is complicated. 6.Acrophobia: Fear of heights. Peoplewho suffer from fear of heights may experience panic attacks. Theymay not be in a position to climb down and may put themselves in danger if they can not do so. Do notconfuse acrophobia with vertigo since vertigo involves only a dizzy or spinning sensation and is not necessarily caused by heights. 7.Emetophobia: Fear of vomit. People with this phobia find the sight or smell of vomit extremely appalling and therefore, they go to extraordinary lengths to avoid the stuff. 8.Carcinophobia: Fear of cancer. We all know that cancer is not a contagious disease. However, a carcinophobe believes that he has contracted cancer because he touched a cancer patient. 9.Brontophobia: Fear of thunderstorms. It is also termed as astraphobia. People who suffer thisphobia make sure to hide themselves away from thunder andlightning otherwise they may undergo panic attacks and difficult breathing. 10.Necrophobia: Fear of death, dead things, coffins and corpses. It may get derived from the fear of beingburied alive
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 06:15:58 +0000

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