Here is one from my days as a Spec 6 in the West Point Jazz - TopicsExpress


Here is one from my days as a Spec 6 in the West Point Jazz Knights. Every year we did a gig for the same sponsors and afterwards we would go to a private house where a banquet was laid out for us, the guests of honor. Open bar too. Most of the band liked to drink. I was moderate in that regard. But I did smoke grass. We were on the way back from the gig (on the army bus) and most of the band members were soundly asleep. In the back of the bus, one of the sax players (Im not saying who. but if he reads this, hell know!) knew I was carrying a bag of grass in my mute bag....why I had it on the band bus I cannot explain. So, he bugs me a long time to let him have a bud. Okay I shrugged. he opens one of the rear side windows of the bus, climbs up and squats next to it, and then LIGHTS THE BUD! The next thing you know, weed fumes are wafting throughout the bus. At this point I was screwed either way. So, me and two other stoners shared nose hits with john doe. Two days later, the officer in charge of the band walks into rehearsal and informs the band that he heard about this smoking of grass on a band bus. Continuing, he announced (and I quote): I am going to get to the bottom of this and when I find out who the guilty parties are, I will escort them to the tarmac with separation papers in hand All this time, the four of us made casual eye contact. We had the unspoken understanding that none of us would speak a word of it. And that was the end of that. Nothing happened. It is a miracle I got out with an honorable discharge. And so it goes.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 04:33:55 +0000

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