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Here is some info ifyou neeed more email me angeliquedhelhemme@hotmail my website will be up and running very shortly!!!!!!!!!!!! SCIENCE To begin to understand the ZeroPoint Technology and Tools, it’s important to review the various opinions regarding the true nature of reality. Human beings tend to think or speak of reality in a material sense when, indeed, even the most quarrelsome Newtonian physicist would have a difficult time insisting that we live in a purely physical universe. The truth is, science has yet to find a truly physical particle anywhere. Thus, odds are, we effectively do not live in a physical universe. We live in an energetic universe or one that does not have physical properties. However, people have the illusion of physical properties, and for that reason, most operate in that realm. Nevertheless, our environment is such that we perceive everything as being physical. In actuality, everything is affected by the non-physical, because, in fact, that is all there is. We, therefore, have to decide how to maximize our experience using the tools that are available. To start, we must gain an understanding of energy and its place in our perceived reality. When understood, it’s feasible to begin utilizing the non-physical tools that can amplify our efficiency. Man-made Chaos It is a well-known fact that our bodies are under constant stress by conditions that are man-made and virtually invisible to the human senses. EMF’s and ELF’s transmitted over waveforms that can penetrate right through the physical body. The stress creates weakened immune function. Any device plugged into the wall, high-tension power lines, cell phones, computers, satellites, microwaves, radio and TV signals are emitting waves which travel into the body, creating significant imbalance in the body’s naturally occurring biofield. When the immune system is weakened, the body cannot perform optimally and becomes vulnerable to adverse effects such as bacteria, fungus, viral infection or even worse, degenerative conditions like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and so on. ZeroPoint and Bioresonate Waveforms ZeroPoint Technology has the capability of changing subtle energy, birthed in light, to waveforms that harmonically balance physical body parts. Body parts that are at ease have energy that flows with no effort, no resistance! There is NO imbalance within the body part, NO dis-ease. The symphony of life is created by light, as it slows within the physical vehicle to maintain harmonic attunement among body parts. ZeroPoint utilizes a proprietary technology to imprint bioresonate waveforms on light, as a carrier of Blueprint Frequencies, to imbalanced body parts. The body, through its own inductive capacitance, integrates the energy to balance the deficient body part. The Earth provides a multitude of naturally radiating minerals that can be imprinted with specified frequencies. With the addition of these new frequencies, the mineral becomes a reservoir of energy. This depository of energy responds to the intelligent consciousness of the imbalanced body part as it opens a channel to receive the balancing energy. ZeroPoint technology has the capability to imprint any frequency of need on a number of suitable delivery systems. Why can’t science measure ZeroPoint Energy? We do not, as yet, have the tools or technologies to measure zero point energy from the perspective of a scientific Newtonian mind, because we are within a box trying to measure something outside the box. Ultimately, the box will have to expand. Although quantum physics has been around for over one hundred years, the classic Newtonian model is still prevalent. Quantum Mechanics however, is forcing its way into academia and science because we can no longer explain the nature of reality based on the Newtonian model. As it stands today, although we don’t have the scientific instrumentation to measure the ZeroPoint potential energy, we do have a measurable effect when this energy is experienced. Science and research are quickly catching-up and mainstream science is now considering the simple fact that an observable and positive physical response is scientific. The scientific theories have thrived for some time however, because of mainstream resistance, much of the science has failed to reach practical application. The technology now exists to utilize the ZeroPoint energy without threatening established, vested communities. The ZeroPoint Technology Zero Point has been called the great void of all creation: A potential formulation where all manifest aggregates of energy are created by intelligent consciousness. Intelligent consciousness is the live essence of all life forms. Live essence is transformed into waveforms by thought. Waveforms are the universal language of all life forms. Your thoughts, as co-creator, can change these waveforms. How do we know it works? This is easily demonstrated with kinesiology, a simple muscle test. Put yourself in front of a microwave oven or a computer screen and hold your arm straight out to your side. Have someone apply pressure above your wrist while you try to resist. When your energy field is being compromised, your brain is unable to effectively communicate to the muscles, you will be unable to resist the pressure being applied to your arm and it will weaken. Then put on the ZeroPoint Pendant and perform the same test. You will experience a very noticeable difference in your strength. There are many more simple tests you can perform at home that will demonstrate the impact that modern-day environmental energy is having on the human body. Your job is to keep yourself in a coherently”balanced” energetic state.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 14:59:55 +0000

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