Heres a little excerpt from Tie Dye and Flannel, a somewhat - TopicsExpress


Heres a little excerpt from Tie Dye and Flannel, a somewhat serious but always fun exploration of what family means and what they will do to make sure you are happy, even if that means hooking you up with a love interest. Maria opened her eyes and watched the movement of the crowd around her. Frantic, slow, fast, determined…they all moved around each other with the same discordant actions of an ant hill after someone had kicked it open. She took a deep breath, expecting to inhale the scent of expensive perfumes and overcooked hotdogs from the vendor down the way. Instead, the calming scent of sage found its way to her. Just a wisp and barely surviving amidst the crowd, but still there. She followed it, abandoning the dusty aisle to slip between two stalls rather than going around. A tall, thin woman stared at her suspiciously when she walked too close to the boxes of expensive nuts she kept stacked behind her tables. Maria rolled her eyes and kept going. The woman was almost the same shade of brown as she was, but where Maria had come by her bronzed skin honestly through her Native American heritage, the other woman was artificially baked by too many hours lying beneath a sun too intense for her Nordic blood. She looked dried out, wrinkled and prunish like her grandmother, without the years of wisdom the elderly woman had on her. amazon/Tie-Dye-Flannel-Chase-Rowan-ebook/dp/B00QY28U82/
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 19:06:40 +0000

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