Heres how we can HEAL this. Acceptance. Thats it. Thats the big - TopicsExpress


Heres how we can HEAL this. Acceptance. Thats it. Thats the big secret. Now, it is not easy. But it IS super simple. We cannot accept it if we are acting it out and doing it - so in a state of rage, acceptance of shadow is not happening - in fact, its being added to. (Any negative emotion or thought polarizes and is additive of negative energy). (2) Instead of acting on the negative ones - the polarizing ones - notice them. This right there involves some serious detachment. You need to detach in order to not act out. (3) Remediate every aspect of the negative - This is done by saying, Be at Peace, silently, in the mind - to yourself AND to all parties involved. Silently. This is not about drama - its about ending the drama and so silence works best. (4) Immediately notice the body, the mind - see if you notice any thoughts that are not coming from you (mind is interconnected - there is no such thing as private mind). If so, invoke Archangel Michael to set up a protective barrier at the outskirts of mind that you pay attention to - it should be like a desert out there and no thoughts zooming in. (5) Ask for divine peace and love to fill you and remove all resistance and polarity, (6) Ask Spirit to show you whether there are any thoughts that need undoing - and (7) Ask for divine assistance and protection sufficient to detach immediately from the situation so you can move into acceptance of it. Once this happens, you will be remediating mode - actually retiring some of the gunk and garbage that was floating around you. (8) if you are noticing any kind of odd sensations but cant put a name to them - these are kind of pinprickly to the skin - you may feel sudden temperature changes in the room - you are energetically sensitive and will benefit immensely from working with a esoteric healer just to learn protection skills and basic information to function free of interference from the ambient disowned conscious energy units that are floating out there seeking to attach to human beings - sort of like a vampire phenomenon, if you will. The more ragistic energies - meaning, dense, compact, and solid - these are coming up at an unprecedented rate, consolidating at an unprecedented rate - and are influencing the psychological balance of the world - right on up to global policy makers - to an unprecedented extent. Essentially, what has happened is that no longer is anger, blame, shame or sorrow going to take forever to manifest their effects - and that is because there are OTHER more negative energies that have prospered by those delays. All that is going away now. But the anger, fear, sorrow, shame and guilt are serious glue for even nastier things to stick to and this message is so critical for humanity to really grasp: forgiveness and grace are just not optional anymore ~ if we do not proceed with these at the fore of our being, we are open and vulnerable to some things no one in their right mind would consciously choose. Note this is NOT a message that is designed to instill fear. If you feel fear on reading this, please stop reading and ask the archangels/your favorite divine presence to download the information that is relevant to you. OK? No fear - this is purely to inform and educate. Anything we disown and disavow attaches. Anything we accept, we release. Anything we send love to becomes innocuous. If we fear love, if we keep love away from us, all that we fear is perceived as harmful. Use these principles! Heal with them! Decide, OK precisely because I dont trust love, I am going to decide TO trust it. Keep doing what the ego says NOT to do - unless you can see with your eyes that you are in danger! lool No need to put yourself in front of a moving train! hahaha One final word: Dislike is a sign we are in ego, as ego is the parent of all that is suffering-and sorrow-producing in humanity, and dislike is a favor ego condition. This translates into the usefulness of hugging and kissing the ego every day, in the minds eye. Wake up, grab your tea/coffee and hug the ego right away! lool Get the day off to a nice detached start. Remember that the more repulsive this sounds, the more helpful it will be to do. Keep saying, Be blessed to all you dislike. The more angry you feel doing this, the more sorely its needed. Also be very aware of physical space too - some ego projections like to stub toes, some like to create little accidents - just be mindful of the body and where it spatially relates to objects from now on. Feel free to message us if you feel you are at a point where you could benefit from expertise or healing. We dont operate a business or referral service - we work for God / Divine Love/ Source - however you call it - but we are aware of reliable sources of guidance and assistance and are happy to share information upon request. Cheers and every blessing!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 06:41:52 +0000

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