Heres the email I received from Obama followed by my response... - TopicsExpress


Heres the email I received from Obama followed by my response... Sorry its so long: Help me out, Jan: Theres so much at stake this November. We need to protect health care reform, and make sure it keeps succeeding. Blah, blah, blah! ************************************************************************************ Help me out, Barak and the Democratic Party; I have a husband who had a massive stroke 3 years ago at the young age of 61. He had just retired AFTER 37 years of teaching school AND coaching football. He was retired for 2 months when the stroke hit. My husband and I were planning an extended vacation with our only child who lives and works in Dubai, UAE. See, it’s only me and my husband. I have to take care of my spouse by myself. The stroke took all of the right side of his brain and he is totally paralyzed on his left side. I need a special van to transport him back and forth to the hospital, doctor appointments, rehabilitation, etc. No one to help me. Everyone says “You are just SLIGHTLY over our limits. Understand, it’s just he and I here. No family to help, all our close friends have remained hidden since his stroke. So, it’s just me. I will be 62 and I have 7 herniated disks in my back and a torn rotator cuff – all from lifting him. Out of bed, off the toilet, in & out of chairs... And it never ends and there is no getting better for me, either. No one is willing to sit with my husband because of the enormous responsibility that comes with watching him. We certainly cannot afford a nursing home out of pocket! Not even for a month. The extraneous cost is WAY more than we bring in a month. Yet we worked all our lives and this is the reward we get?... He dedicated his life to teaching and to coaching. I worked all my life in social services. And yes, I am a veteran... And, yes, a very proud one. And I can’t believe my once proud America has been turned into shambles! You want us to donate money to help load Congress with the needed numbers of Democrats (you or one of your flunkies wrote this!). I NEED money to help get our needed prescriptions. Yes, both he and I have insurance and RX plans, but some things they cover and some things they don’t or my co-pays are outlandish! Yes, Mr. President, we are good and loyal Americans and I shout it to the rooftops ALWAYS while I am also screaming at God for help. I have not been out of my home FOR MYSELF such as a movie, shopping, lunch... since 2 days after Christmas, 2013. I sit all day & clean or cook just waiting for my husband to call me when he needs something. That is my job... my life. All dedicated to him with no regard to myself. I wait on my husband 24/7 and have no regard to me or my health! WE need help, much more than a bunch of rich Congressmen need! So I am asking if you would please ask this nice, wealthy Congress (I really don’t care anymore if they are a donkey or an elephant – we don’t discriminate!) if they could each spare $5.00, $10.00 or even $25.00 to help me and my husband buy the handicapped van we so desperately need. But, if they cannot find it in their hearts to donate, maybe the many aides working for them could donate their time and stay with my husband so I can leave the house for a few hours. Just to do something crazy like go to the grocery store (I pay someone to shop for me, now) or maybe to the discount canned food store. All the cans are dented and past their expiration date but some experts say they can still be eaten past the expired date! I’ll let you know. Or maybe not? We have been STAUNCH Democrats from day one; our parents were democrats as their parents were before them. I realize we are not the only Americans who need help or care, just as bad or if not worse. God Bless them all. I pray for these poor people. It’s just my small way of helping. Are you here for us, Mr. President? Are you really? How many more programs for the needy are you going to cut and pay to other countries that are just waiting to stab and kill you and every other America? Instead of giving assault rifles to terrorists, take the guns to a pawn shop, cash them in and give each legal American a few dollars. I know one of your aides or yes-men will throw this away. It will never see the light of day, nor will YOU really read this. But, please don’t email me that you need help. YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT NEEDING HELP MEANS. Youve lost sight of the man you were and now you are so short-sighted that your people (Americans of ANY color) need a MAN or WOMAN who deserves your position. I watched that day and I was very, very proud. Today, I am ashamed! No one cares... do you Mr. President? Oh and please place my phone number and email on your DO NOT CALL/DO NOT EMAIL/DO NOT CONTACT LIST! You have already broken the law. You were already notified in writing no to contact me and yet, this is your 4th correspondence. I am asking you, again, DO NOT CONTACT me. Robert C. Bower, III Janette M. Bower
Posted on: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 00:45:06 +0000

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