Heres what I have to say about that: I like Michael Jackson a - TopicsExpress


Heres what I have to say about that: I like Michael Jackson a lot. I always wanted to BE HIM when I watched Moonwalker as a kid. That movie (which was essentially a long promo video for the BAD album) made me want to be the best and most inventive than anyone on the planet. I know Im not there yet, but the drive and passion is there because I believe in having HIGH expectations in your art. From only adding buttons on one side to a garment, to having models walk onto the runway on a particular beat; these are all small details that add up a picture that is larger than yourself. Speaking of beats, thank you Buckeye Red (Leo Gvgnon) for adding the originality to our show from your creation of the original remix of Dirty Diana (+ buying red shoelaces for one shoe/remixing the songs) Your long nights and attention to detail mean the world. To the other models, whether it was you buying brand new shoes to strut in, or travelling far and re-arranging your lives, or coming in last minute to save the day, or putting up with my crazy-mad-creative-Laura-on-fire-personality, doing makeup on other models, or walking through downtown Hamilton to stop traffic, possibly be late for your next order of business so we can snap photos - and dont ask for a damn thing in return... you guys make me a very lucky girl to have such beautiful and talents friends: Ro Pogue, Jessa Goodale, Regena Ward, Erin Amelia, Paul A Heaton, Neecee Lexy, Lauren Olson, Sarah Anne, Jahmar Anthony (& Leo!) To the other shows & designers - so fun to share the stage with all of you crazy talented birds. Holla Rosa Patriquin (fellow procrastinator) & Yolanda Pierces (planning machine!) Thank you to Yana: My main beeotch, instagramming BOSS & part-time MUA xo To my other handsome MUA: Setenio Borges XO Jacquie of Compilation for offering to take on WORN WEST at her booth out of the goodness of that big heart of hers! Darren of James North General Store for the sweet set-up and spot in the shop! My Fam & buds that made me feel like I made cool stuff! Xs and OHS! Shout out to my sister and main photographer (Im so lucky to have her at my side at all my big events with camera in hand!), Stephanie Bell of Emerging Design & Photography - This line actually wouldnt have been made at all if if wasnt for her sisterly generosity and belief in what I do. Lastly, thank you Patricia Lynn Bebee & Kerry Wade of Blackbird Studios for personally inviting me to be apart of this great show. You ladies are the bees knees. I love your spirits, faces and I got to experience 1st hand how generous and kind your souls can be! Mucho love. Great show ladies. Well they say the skys the limit and to me thats really true. But my friend you have seen nothing, just wait til I get through... ~ Whos Bad?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:28:52 +0000

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