Hey, Gang, I can tell by the old clock on the computer that its - TopicsExpress


Hey, Gang, I can tell by the old clock on the computer that its time for The One Oclock Olden Treasures Show with ME, Your DJ, JD! I come to you each and every Sunday at this time. This time being 1pm in the heartland of America; 2pm on the Atlantic; 11am on the Pacific; noontime in the Rockies; and, as always, if youre in Alaska or Hawaii: GO BACK TO BED!!!...its early. For those of you who might be new to our show, welcome, and a brief explanation: Our over-arching theme, that is, the theme on which this show is based, is the music needs to be pre-1964, however, exceptions are made if music POST-1964 has a pre-1964, sound, quality, a certain something, that touches on the roots of early rock and other genres of music before the British Invasion, Psychedelic, synthesizers, and what not. So 1964, is our cut-off year. Today we continue the September portion of this years theme of honoring, saluting, remembering, and playing the songs and music of those in the music world weve lost, but who, in some small way, may have contributed to the soundtracks of our lives. Just a note, to be fair to all of these artists and entertainers, they were selected to be played on the date on which they passed away, and if we lost more than one on say, September 10, they would be listed based on the year in which they passed on. We have a substantial playlist so lets dive right in. On September 8 we lost a trio of entertainers: First, passing in 1949, was Richard Strauss. Strauss was a German Composer known for operas such as Guntram, Friedenstag, and especially Der Rosenkavalier and Salome. Today, however, well be hearing the piece of music most people associate with Strauss, written in 1896 it was used as the theme for 2001: A Space Odyssey, and if youre into wrestling youd know it as Ric Flairs entrance music, of course Im talking about Also Sprach Zarathustra (alternatively titled Thus Spake Zarathustra). Second, passing in 1965, was the ovely and talented Dorothy Dandridge. Dandridge was an actress, singer, and dancer, and was noted for being the first African American actress nominated in the Best Actress category for Carmen Jones in 1954. Today, well be hearing her final recording, 1961s Smooth Operator. Third, passing in 1977, was the funny and talented Zero Mostel. Born Samuel Joel Mostel, he became famous as comedian and Broadway Actor. His many stage roles include Tevye in Fiddler On The Roof; his film roles include Max Bialystock in The Producers (1968). Today, however, well be hearing him perform a number from a part he played on stage and screen, that being the role of Pseudolus in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, called Comedy Tonight. Some of you may recall that back in the late 80s this music was used in commercials for, well, I cant recall off-hand. But, if anybody remembers, please let me know. Passing on September 9, 1996 was Bill Monroe. Monroe became famous as a pioneer of Bluegrass Music as a singer, a songwriter and Mandolinist. In fact, it was Monroes band The Blue Grass Boys which gave Bluegrass Music its name. Why? Well, simply from the fact that he was from Kentucky. Monroe enjoyed a 6-decade career, and today we honor him by playing the first piece of Bluegrass I ever remember hearing called, appropriately enough given this background information, Blue Moon of Kentucky from 1955. Next up we have our first Honorable Mention. Honorable Mentions are those who produced, decent, quality music and should be remembered for what theyve achieved. But for one reason or another dont meet the criteria of this show. Passing on September 11, 1987, was Honorable Mention, the talented Peter Tosh. Tosh was a Jamaican Reggae singer who performed with The Wailers along with Bunny Wailer and Bob Marley. As always, just because this show does not play their music, I do not discourage anyone from giving these songs a listen. Passing on september 12, 2003 was the greatly talented, funny, and versatile Johnny Cash. I really dont have enough room here to honor him appropriately. His songs include I Walk the Line, Ring of Fire, a cover of Hank Snows Ive Been Everywhere, A cover of Jimmy Buffets Margaritaville, Folsom Prison Blues, Ballad of A Teenage Queen, just to name more than a few. Today, however, well be listening to the first Johnny Cash I ever heard, his highest charting single on the Pop charts climbing all the way to number 2, of course Im talking about 1969s A Boy Named Sue. On September 13, we lost a pair of entertainers including our second Honorable Mention: First, passing in 1977, was Leopold Stokowski. Stokowski was a British Conductor of Polish descent. I was debating whether to include him on my list, because, he didnt write any material. But then I thought that I must have included singers that performed songs they themselves did not write, and so conducting a symphony is something akin to that, so I kept him on our list. Today, well be hearing Stokowski conduct J.S. Bachs Toccata & Fugue in D minor. Second, passing in 1996 was Honorable Mention Tupac Shakur. Shakur made a name for himself as a Rapper and Hip-Hop artist. And as always, I encourage you to give these songs a listen. Just as a side note, both of our Honorable Mentions today died before their times as a result of violent, criminal acts. So, perhaps a short Moment of Silence for both. Lastly,passing on September 14, 2009 was the talented Patrick Swayze. Some of you are saying Wait, isnt he an actor? Yes, but in 1987 Swayze did perform a song from dirty Dancing called Shes Like The wind. This is one of those rare songs that even though it falls outside our time parameters, it has a smooth softer sound with no synthesizer sound effects that were dominant in the 1980s. Besides, that it is from Dirty Dancing, a movie featuring great songs that would be played on this show anyway. so in a way it seems fitting, and yes, Patrick Swayze did receive a partial writing credit for the song. Well, Gang, that wraps up this firs week of September, 2014. Join me next week as September rolls on, wont you. Until then, PLEASE, take care of yourselves. Peace, out!!! Adios, Kemosabe!!!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 18:49:12 +0000

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