Hey all you wonderful people! Sorry for being a little missing - TopicsExpress


Hey all you wonderful people! Sorry for being a little missing in action lately...life has been quite trying lately. I have encountered challenges that have tested every part of my being and left me feeling alone and trapped in the all consuming darkness surrounding me. The difficult events that have occurred in my life gave birth to demons that towered over my mind like a wave over my head, perpetually frozen just prior to the moment it crashes into the water...the weight feels unbearable even though there is nothing touching you. My spirits lay dampened and my vision greyed. A monochromatic world is not the world I chose to live in. I have always managed to look beyond the darkness in my life and focus on the beautiful bird that sings in the distance. This time I couldnt see the bird, but its beautiful song was deafening...The pain of knowing the happiness and freedom was still there but I couldnt see it, was too painful to bear. I realized that for the first time in my life I had fallen into the trap of letting the coldness of events freeze my eyelids shut to the light. All I needed to do was open my eyes. Love and true forgiveness are the warmth that melts the ice that blinded me. Forgiveness for those that have hurt me, forgiveness to those that broke my trust and either intentionally or accidentally tried to break my spirit, and the most difficult part...forgiving myself. It is so important to hold love towards everyone, we are all human, we are all connected, and we all deserve love. We cannot control the cards we are dealt in life but we can choose how we play them. Always play those cards with a smile because there is no such thing as a bad situation, it just depends on your perspective. Look at the spaces in between the drawings on the cards, they are yours to fill. Fill them with happiness. I choose happiness, I can see that little bird singing again. Oh and how beautiful it is. So enough of my rambling, new artworks coming soon guys :) Love and Art-Cuddles, Sarah
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 16:19:44 +0000

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