Hey family and family friends, It’s time to start planning for - TopicsExpress


Hey family and family friends, It’s time to start planning for the annual Herriges Reunion! Where: Whitefish, MT When: Aug 9-11, 2013 How: by much love and careful attention, families thrive How much: no charge, just bring food, drink and auction items! What: Friday—4:30 scholarship meeting, Tashe’s house (All Welome!) boating flotilla from Mason Park to Tashe’s sip and dip beach ample lake-side yummies, compliments of “Tashe and the Girls” Saturday—potluck picnic, music, scholarship auction at 3 pm, pirate ship fun Sunday—morning visiting and good-byes, beach swimming Who: Everyone with the name Herriges in the genes and anyone they care to bring Why? ‘Cause we wanna! It energizes the rest of the year, knowing there are so many people that LOVE you! Detailed itinerary: Scholarship committee meeting: Friday at 4:30 at Tashe’s. All are welcome. The reunion begins officially on Friday afternoon at Tashe’s house. However, for those who want to arrive at Tashe’s by water, we are organizing a flotilla from Mason beach, just north of Tashe’s, where we will launch small watercraft and enjoy many good splashes as we navigate to Tashe’s beach, where family hello’s, good food, lots of drink, and beach fun will then ensue. Several dependable folks like Duane, Erik and Chuck usually show up on Thursday or Friday morning to set up the reunion tents and tables at Rod and Carrie’s house. This is a working group, of course having no fun at all until the moment the Supreme Commander (Gail or Hunter) recognizes the reunion as officially commencing. On Saturday, prepare or buy a potluck dish to share and drinks for yourself (we will have ice and coolers handy) and head over to Rod and Carrie’s lush acreage for the reunion lunch picnic. No one can out-do Ina’s heavenly lemon bar thing, so no worries about competition of delicious goods. There is no planned main course, whatever we all bring, is what we’ll eat! tamu Auction items: Please bring auction items to grow the scholarship fund. Items that relate to the family are always appreciated, such as Karen’s family album full of pictures, that no one who hadn’t dug around in Tashe’s lower story had ever seen! (Of course, Rolly bought it.) Hand-made items are always treasures, such as the creative inventions exemplified in Rae, Tashe and Val’s handiwork and the homemade jellies of Jen and Even. You can even auction activities, such as airplane flights (Rob), houseboat rides (Tom S.), and sailboat rides (Dain& Angie). And of course, there is always the funny item that relates to family because it causes us all so much fun while it is being auctioned. Rod and Carrie and Uncle Gus have been experts in this category! Boats for the flotilla: If you don’t have a boat but want to join in, let me know (Ivy) and I will try to locate some sort of floating object for you! Direct any questions to Chuck. (He’s good at coming up with answers.) I don’t have everyone’s email, so forward this on! Hope to see every one of you this summer! Love, Ivy
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 01:27:45 +0000

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