Hey folks! Time for another Q&A session with your pal - TopicsExpress


Hey folks! Time for another Q&A session with your pal TOPPSMIKE. Ask questions in the comments below and Ill get to as many as I can! Today well be discussing the features I spoke about yesterday: collection score, trader rating and some more details about the 2014 cards! Ask away! Q: OLIVER Will we be able to score for the Australian series? A: No, and the reason is that will be our last testing period. Also, its a week before Opening Day and our schedule doesnt afford us to be ready for launch by then. But you can bet Ill be up at 4 am watching and testing out the 2014 cards and the new gameplay! Psst...more on that soon by the way. :) Q: MLBMATTIE @TOPPSMIKE will we be able to trade bunt for huddle A: No. Q: HITB @TOPPSMIKE do u play call of duty black ops 2 on xbox 360 if you do whats your name A: I dont, only sports games for me. But not going to give you my gamertag, sorry pal. Q: VROOM14 @TOPPSMIKE When will the next update article come out? A: You ask this every time huh? I wont say for sure, half because Im not positive, half because I want to at least TRY to enjoy my weekend. Q: IEBEARS @TOPPSMIKE are u proud to be an American? A: The proudest. Where at least I know Im free. Isnt that how the song goes? Q: CHIMRICHALDS @toppsmike deus meus et omnia A: Motto from my high school. Hmm, methinks you guys have been doing some investigating into who TOPPSMIKE really is... Q: MOBY1776 Will there be a Q&A article today? A: Not sure. Hey gang, how about some serious ones? Q: CLEVELANDTRIBE Since we r going down to 1 account will odds & rarity be greater? Will there be more coin rewards? I buy coins and had several accounts. It was a nice balance. I cant afford pay to play only! A: My answers, In order of you asking them: most likely and no. Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE when is the commercial release date, or is that confidential? A: Out of my hands, I know the production company were working with is taking care of it now. Id shoot for late March. Q: DRHOTLUNCH Jon Hanford is now following me on Twitter. If I meet him in person, am I to already assume that we are at the third date status in our relationship? A: I am so happy for both of you. Q: PETE_SPORT_3 @TOPPSMIKE so Im guessing, based on the twitter pic, the other opening day sig is Harper? A: I forget off the top of my head, but I believe it is not. Q: PAJAMALLAMA @TOPPSMIKE can you get those new trout cards in packs A: Ah, finally a question about the 2014 cards. No you cannot. They are in packs in the 2014 version of the app, which we are currently testing. HOWEVER, all of the 2014 cards were testing with WILL BE DELETED as I said yesterday. So pay no mind to them. They will ALL be available very soon. Q: THECOLLECTORGUY Will there be opening day cards or a series? A: Yep! Q: DSARTWELL @TOPPSMIKE HOW IS THE COLLECTION RATING BASED? Having better cards or more cards?? A: Its based on your cards and how they compare to all other fans cards. Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE do you plan to go to any games this season? A: Been to every Yankees home opener since 1997. Dont plan on breaking my streak this year :) Q: MARCOMEDRANO @TOPPSMIKE IF we traded cards for Mike Trout new card will we be able to get our cards back? A: Yes, through customer service. But I would advise against it completely. Just so were clear on that. Q: MLBMATTIE @TOPPSMIKE will you guys make bunt a less scamful place cause I got scammed out of 3 legend sigs A: Through a number of different avenues, yes dramatically. The trader rating will be a good indicator of whos trustworthy. Also, not allowing you to have multiple accounts and/or share them with others will halt a lot of scammers right in their tracks. Q: CRIMEINTHECITY @TOPPSMIKE do we have to spend all our coin before the update or can we save them got the new update?? A: You can save them for sure! Q: DSARTWELL @TOPPSMIKE can I get a pair of signature shades or no? A: If you win the BEAT TOPPSMIKE PTS challenges, perhaps... Q: PAJAMALLAMA @TOPPSMIKE DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN??? A: Thats much more fan-friendly. I loved Frozen, by the way. Q: WISODEAC Whats our collection rating out of? 10? 100? A: 100. Q: MLBMATTIE @TOPPSMIKE will 2012/2013 still be in packs when 2014 cards come out A: No. Q: IEBEARS @TOPPSMIKE in all seriousness, are collection ratings based off of 2013, 2014 or combined? A: Combined. Q: PAJAMALLAMA @TOPPSMIKE ARE YOU MAKING A TAIJUAN WALKER CARD?? A: Of course! Hes a guy Im really excited to watch this season. Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE personally, what is your current favorite bunt card? A: Why, the Mariano Rivera rookie card, of course! Q: AO7 @TOPPSMIKE Can Q&A be later in the day? (Im in school now) A: Ill keep this in mind for the future. Q: MONONE @TOPPSMIKE Why isnt Derek Jeter the spokesman? A: Even though I love Jeter as much as anyone, we all think that Trout is the next big star and the proper spokesman for what we think will be the next big thing on the App Store! Q: ELO-OSO-BLANCO @TOPPSMIKE can you have a broke my heart series with solely brandon beachy in it? Joker is going to have a second tommy john surgery. :( A: Ugh, I feel ya pal! Medlen AND Beachy down. Braves are having a tough spring. Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE can u give us a little sneak peak for what is left in store? Im excited as you are A: Theres one big feature left to talk about. Were really changing the gameplay aspect of the app. Fair warning, its going to be a little more difficult, but fair to all users and a lot more fun! Q: ASAPVAULT @TOPPSMIKE sooo.. Did you like the toppsmike rock the vote card? A: Havent seen it. Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE can u answer one more q from me? Itll be a record for qs answered in in Q&A A: No sorry, I ca---...whoops. Congrats! Q: ELO-OSO-BLANCO @TOPPSMIKE who judges the trader rating section of the update? Id rather not be downgraded by angry little kids mad i declined a trade. A: It is the fans who decide, but I wouldnt worry about that. The community has far more serious players than it does harbringers of destruction. And we will deal with those accordingly. Q: PAJAMALLAMA @TOPPSMIKE will there be some reward for the old timers who have been on bunt since 2012? A: Yes there will be. There will be one for fans since 2012, and another for fans in 2013. Q: PETE_SPORT_3 @TOPPSMIKE a prospect series would be cool. Walker, Correa, Buxton, and others. What do you think? A: In theory, awesome idea. In practice Im afraid the rights deals with minor league players gets sort of murky. Q: MICHAEL32 @TOPPSMIKE Is it true there are no more coin rewards? A: Man, you are quick on that copy-paste-post maneuver, huh? Um, I wouldnt say there will be no more coin rewards. Q: AHEGGS @TOPPSMIKE What colors will the new boost cards be since I saw 100% boost Trout was gold? A: They wont be boost cards in 2014. There will be five levels of each base card, with corresponding boosts on them. White = regular scoring Red = 1.2x Green = 1.5x Silver = 1.7x Gold = 2.0x Q: METSMAN31 @toppsmike will thereve a new point scoring system this year or different parts like classic, last years version, or a put 9 cards in a day and try to score the most A: I wouldnt say an entirely new system, but there will be some changes to the PTS categories. Where the big change comes in will be how you play them. Youll be forced to choose wisely in 2014. Like I said above, more to come on that soon. Q: AHEGGS @TOPPSMIKE Where is the alien A: Ha! Hes currently jamming away on stuff for this weekend on Topps KICK! Q: MLBMATTIE @TOPPSmike so will we be able to have some backup accounts A: Nope. One account per device. If you have two devices, you can have two accounts. Q: AHEGGS @TOPPSMIKE What is the alien mask @TOPPSLARRY was wearing from? A: Mars Attacks! Q: PETE_SPORT_3 @TOPPSMIKE are there gonna be more Golden Moments? If Im not mistaken it was supposed to be a series of 10. A: There are going to be a bunch and they might be my favorite insert design so far. I love the way they look! Q: BIGWAVE @TOPPSMIKE Can we have more mascot cards? I need a Stomper. A: Sorry, didnt see this one at first! We are definitely doing more with the mascots this season. By the way, have you seen Mr. Met on Twitter throwing some shots at Mr. Redlegs?! Q: JUSTINKWEIT @TOPPSMIKE is hanford in your wiffle ball league? A: Hes the MVP. Q: MATTHEW27 @TOPPSMIKE will I get my ards back that someone took from me when I got offered trout 2 days ago BEFORE you said it was being deleted A: I will speak to TOPPSMODJASON about that for you. Ideally Id help right now but Im heading back to work in a few here! Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE will there be an insert by opening day? A: Of course! Q: DRHOTLUNCH Will there be a Topps Employee insert series this year? If not, dont worry - well handle it. A: I think well just call it the Topps Legends set. Your thoughts? Q: THECOLLECTORGUY @TOPPSMIKE whos your 2nd favorite team, the reds? A: In baseball, I dont have a second favorite, really. If I had to pick though, Id say the Rays even though theyre in the AL East. Love how they develop talent and Wil Myers is nuts! Q: MICHAEL32 @TOPPSMIKE say I get a new phone. Can I log into my account from it or will I be forced to start over/quit? And, how will u merge accounts... Password protected? A: You will need to go through customer service to re-acquire your account. However, keep in mind that were going to be keeping track of how many times you do this. So please dont consider this an avenue to potentially scam your way into making accounts or anything else. Its actually fairly easy to monitor. Alright gang, thats it for me this week. More to come on Monday, where Ill reveal what the big change in gameplay is! Have a good weekend, BUNT Nation!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 20:42:18 +0000

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