Hi I am new here and would like to thank you for adding me here.. - TopicsExpress


Hi I am new here and would like to thank you for adding me here.. I have to say I am thrilled to finally find out that I am not alone or crazy.. My name is Deborah, I am 51 years old and was diagnosed with a pineal cyst of 0.6mm in April 2013 and told to not worry about it. I had gone to the doctor because i was having daily headaches, migraines, unexplained bouts of dizziness (the room spins uncontrollably), ringing in my ears, fullness in my ears, occasional pain in my left ear, occasional feeling of something crawling under my skin on the left side of my face, sharp shooting needle like pains in my toes, jerking movements in my extremities as I fall to sleep, blurred vision and some other things I am sure I am leaving out. I was told by my doctor that I should be seen by a neurologist she sent me for a CT scan and that is when they discovered the cyst. The neurologist thought the cyst was not causing my problems but, that I had Meneires Disease and referred me to an ENT specialist. The ENT said that if I did indeed have Meneires Disease that is was Atypical meaning that it was not presenting in the normal way and that was that... No further recommendations other than come back if I had any other problems arise. Well at that time I was working and living in a fairly rural area so I decided to move back to Houston where I had moved from for the Job that I was working at the time I became ill and see if better doctors might help. To make a long story short it has been nearly 2 years I have seen 5 neurologist, 4 ENTs, 5 Primary care Physicians and had numerous test, scans, probes and prods done. The last MRI I had was in October of 2014 and showed my pineal cyst is now 17mm in size my headaches are worse along with all my other symptoms, I have been off of work since July 2013 having taken off for medical reasons and not being able to return, I am unable to drive, unable to complete my own daily needs, and the problems go on and on.. The last MRI has finally prompted my newest neurologist to refer me to a neurosurgeon and is sending me for a spinal tab, CT and CTA scans of the head, neck and chest , and blood work I go for these January 19th and have finally heard from the neurosurgeon and will be seeing him/her on January 16th to my surprise, I just got this appointment this morning. I was giving them the benefit of the holidays before I called them. I did do some research just recently and found a couple things by Dr. Dong Kim who low and behold happens to live here in Houston. I contacted him via email and have yet to hear back from his office but I am hopeful as that was during the holiday weekend and before I had gotten my neurosurgeon appointment.. Anyway again thank you very much for letting me sound off and I am sure my family will thank you for allowing me to vent with you rather than them.. I am sure they get tired of hearing it all the time...
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:18:12 +0000

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