Hi everyone! It has been a long time since we last made any - TopicsExpress


Hi everyone! It has been a long time since we last made any updates, and decided now would be the best time ;) it was this time last year that thousands of you were praying for Joshs life and our family, and we wanted to share with you the miraculous recovery he has made. You all deserve our deepest appreciation and to know what a difference all of your thoughts, generosity and prayers truly made! You should also know, that not a single day goes by where we arent thinking, or reminded of all that has been given to us. We are profoundly blessed in so many ways. From the outpouring love and support from complete strangers, all the absolutely wonderful doctors and nurses from Akron Childrens Hospital Burn Unit, all the many prayers and visits from the Ministers and Pastors that came to be with us at the hospital, the Ronald McDonald House of Akron and of course our family and friends. We have taken this past year to let Josh heal, and try and get back to some normalcy in our lives. I am still amazed every day at where we came from last year to where we are now. This month brings back so many memories that I will never forget. Memories that at times still give me haunting chills, but are quickly comforted by remembering Gods grace, protection and love for our family. It was last year that we were all told that Josh wasnt going to make it and to say our goodbyes. Still, even saying that now it doesnt make any more sense than it did the first time I heard it. But at the same time with all of the scary thoughts racing through my mind with all the odds against us, I never did believe that it could happen. I know our entire family knew it was up to God from there. He was in control. And amazing things happen when you learn to let go and trust in The Lord. Days, and weeks went by, good days, bad days, all of which seemed to last a lifetime, like a roller coaster that just wouldnt stop. But the entire time our faith was strong, and even though Josh couldnt talk to us, he was experiencing Gods work in so many ways, and was comforted by him during the fight for his life. Looking back at everything now, I know we were never alone. We believe that as much as this was a horrific and terrifying experience, this was also all part of Gods plan. What was meant to destroy us, God only made us stronger and closer to him than we had ever been. Anyone who has suffered from SJS/TEN or family members that have watched a loved one go through this disease know what a horrifying and dangerous disease this is. And if you have been given the chance to survive from it, usually it doesnt just end there. There are so many other complications and aftermath effects that go with this disease. Watching it from beginning to end, and everything in between is just unimaginable. Josh has been so fortunate with his recovery that I know so many others have not been. Joshs case was the worst case some of the doctors said they have seen. He not only lost over 90% of his skin on his body, the inside of his body was also sloughing, he suffered from sepsis, flatlined twice in one day, multi organ failure, fluid around his heart, needed kidney dialysis with the possibility of needing a kidney transplant, several skin grafts, 7 toe amputations, loss of almost all nails and nail beds and left with scars from head to toe. Now, with all of that said, the fact that he survived is of course a miracle, and we are forever grateful to our God for giving Josh back to us. But, the even more miraculous part is how he is doing now! Doctors said it could take a year for Josh to go back to work, if he could even do his job at all. Well, I am very happy to say that he is indeed back to work again, and has been for several months now! He of course is left with a few lingering side effects from this disease, but over all is a fully functioning, happy, healthy 26 year old young man again! He was spared so much, and has been blessed with a normal life again!!!!! There is only one explanation of how that is possible. Every single prayer was heard, and God seen the faith in all who believed, and not only saved Josh, but made his life even better. We never posted too many pictures just because at that time, Josh wasnt ready for that and it just wasnt appropriate then. However, here we are a year later, and after overcoming so many obstacles, we feel its time to give God his Glory and show just what miracles He can do! This is our testimony of how good our God is, and if we can give just one person a glimmer of hope and faith to just believe in the Lord, well, than we have done our job. ;) And to also show how all of your prayers played such an enormous part in where we are today!!!!! Once again, THANK YOU ALL FOR ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!! You all hold a special place in Joshs and my heart forever. We will never, ever forget the love and generosity. GOD BLESS!!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 20:02:42 +0000

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