Hi friends! Its seems like forever since Ive been able to post, - TopicsExpress


Hi friends! Its seems like forever since Ive been able to post, most of you know Ive been having a hard time physically. Thats a bit of an understatement, Ive really been in a physical crisis the last 9 days almost totally unable to move my upper body. Today we saw a wonderful new lady doctor who diagnosed the problem as a pinched nerve root at C5 which is in my neck but felt in my scapula. She gave me a whopper of a shot straight into the painful area that has numbing medicine and prednisone. Ill start a round of oral steroids today. She wants me to take a nerve medicine (amitriptyline) but honestly Im not too keen on messing with my cognitive brain flow right now with school work and all, so Im hoping the steroids will do the trick and I wont need to take that medicine. The pain is horrendous. Ive been spending the days and nights sleeping in a chair sitting up for a week. Iris is a total rockstar. Its not easy living with someone who feels such intense pain just from simple movements, but shes incredibly patient and is as excellent of a caretaker, lover and best friend as they come. The hot tub is helping a lot with pain too, I start water physical therapy on Monday. Im still doing great in school despite this, I think my biggest concern is that somehow the crazy pain or medicine will hinder my academic progress but so far Im hanging in there and rockin it in class, for that I am so grateful. I have figured out how to read and study and write in some precarious physical positions! Ahhhhhhhh. This body is a trooper. Its a magical healing machine and it should be donated to science when I check out because it has some pretty amazing healing ability. I want to let you all know how much I deeply appreciate your messages, texts, phone calls and well wishes. I am very lucky to have so many friends that send me giant love whenever things are tough in this wonky radiated body. I may be gimpy but my heart is as rich in love as they come. Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to catching up with what everyone is doing here in FB land when the pain is a bit less. Standing in love with you ((((all))))
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 16:13:07 +0000

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