Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Bertie and Mozzie had a - TopicsExpress


Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Bertie and Mozzie had a wonderful Christmas at the farm! Hacking out in massive paddocks, paddling in the dam, playing king of the castle on the dirt heap and cantering around the round bales still in the paddock! This is the best cross country training! Canter towards a bale, adjust the canter as if it was a jump, turn around the bale then canter off! Teaches them to slow down on their hindquarters then accelerate again in balance. The bales give you something to aim for so you dont take 200 meters to get them back into a jumping canter and the turn engages the inside hind helping them balance. Two very tired but happy ponies. Then off to the Grampians for more farm adventures at Mereweather! I think it was like school camp for them both. Was a wonderful experience for them and they both grew and matured from it. Young horses need so much exposure in a low pressure environment so they can learn to cope with new experiences and competition. Many people buy older schoolmasters not appreciating the massive number of hours that go into making them the reliable, quiet mount that ties up to the float and walks home quietly on a long rein! The week away has certainly gone a long way towards Bertie and Mozzies schoolmaster degree! Pics are of Rosie last winter doing some cross country schooling. Nothing big, just playing around getting confidence. If you want a fearless jumping machine you need to do lots of easy, fun playing around to give them confidence.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:30:36 +0000

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