Horror ......... horror film ... whatever you like though some - TopicsExpress


Horror ......... horror film ... whatever you like though some nuances are ...... this is probably more of film genres that is not liked and despised by artists persecuted by critics, but what deserved their fate cursed .. in the twenties of the last century in Germany, in the turbulent period after world War I, born film expressionism, trend, which has become one of the most important trends in the history of filmmaking, and especially in the history of horror or whatever you like horror films. This is an extraordinary period for horror films, because in short successive time on the Silver screen appeared another masterpiece of the genre. The Cabinet of Dr. Galigariego, Golem, Nosferatu-a Symphony of Horror, Tired Death and House of Wax - a work which not only shook the aesthetics of horror, but had an invaluable impact on the newly-born film art. None of the many artistic movements in the history of the film proved to be so influential and still present as Expressionism. And this post is a moment for ...... This is one of the works of expressionist, House of Wax (1924) Das Wachsfigurenkabinett; 1 hr. 23 minutes. Genre: Horror Silent Production: Germany Release Date: November 13, 1924 Directed by Leo BirinskyPaul Leni Writers: Henrik Galeen Paul Leni classic film House of Wax of 1924 Unemployed writer responds to ad owners wax museum. Artist undertakes to write imaginary stories, where the hero will be one are on exhibition of wax figures. Written history comes to life, becoming a separate part of the film. The first of the three stories that make up the image of Leni the story of the caliph of Baghdad, Harun al Rashid, confectioners incredibly beautiful wife and himself. Powerful ruler heard about the beauty of the girl going to get to know her closer. Meanwhile, capricious wife learned that the Caliph wearing the magic ring on the finger meets the wishes, sends his love with her ??without her husbands memory by earned jewel. Man sneaks into the palace and cut off the hand the sleeping king together with the ring. Pursued by a palace service tends to his house. Meanwhile, during her husbands absence caliph pays a visit to his wife confectioner. It turns out that the palace was only his faithful wax copy. The second episode is devoted to Tsar Ivan the Terrible, which is a cruel despot. In the torture chamber subjected to mental and physical katuszom their opponents, makes dressed in their robes faithful squire, thus leading to his death, kidnaps the daughter of a nobleman weddings, relationships and kills would-be groom, and finally he falls victim to a conspiracy obsessions and loses his mind. The third episode, whose hero is Cuba Ripper is however a macabre nightmare that dreamed up the weary writing short stories writer. In the dream, the famous killer chasing a writer who flees with her daughter of the owners wax museum. Finally getting to Cuba Ripper writer. Paul Leni, the director of the film is less well-known creator of German expressionism. Like many other artists of this movement before he stood behind the camera, he was painting, drawing posters and especially the Austrian theater stage design innovator in the European scene, Max Reinhardt. Stage experience manifests itself in the most famous German film of Paul Leni - House of Wax. The similarity is the title of a classic work of expressionism, Cabinet of Dr. Caligari by Robert Wiene is not accidental. These similarities are part movie of Leni the expressionist trend called kaligaryzm. This trend was to use aesthetics in the fullest possible way stated in the Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. Expressionist scenery chiaroscuro game using artificial light on the exaggerated characterization and theatrical gestures and finally realizing images entirely in the studio. Kaligaryzm also feature specific themes: mental disorders, nightmares, demonic figures, crime, darkness and terror. I mention these elements of kaligaryzm, because they determine accurately the aesthetics and on topics in House of Wax. Anyway, Leni with full knowledge borrows other, less significant elements from the famous film by Robert Wiene. Above all, such as Caligari, .... This film is a film of fantastic, unusual decorations that create a dreamlike atmosphere of the picture and even affect the game actors. From the narrative film uses patent-known for tired of death Fritz Lang: three different plots stories, set in different times and place.Keep know why, but the final Cabinet of Wax reminds me of the finale derived from the excellent film of 1945 Dead End. In this gothic horror film from England characters and scenes from various stories tangled up in a terrifying, mad parade of horrors. How, therefore, the movie Paul Leni? It would be absurd to use the film from 1924, the evaluation criteria relevant for the contemporary horror. It seems that the more you need to think about what this age defended the picture before the time runs out. Certainly the atmosphere, constructed by the play of light and shadow, the amazing scenery (the interior of the palace of the caliph, like fancifully twisted tunnels in an ant-hill), a masterful mix of sleep and waking, incredible storytelling ability practically only an image of the internal states of the dark man and two momentous historical facts . this film is one of the first films-short stories (commonly called an anthology) and the first artistic (and saved) the movie with the character of a serial killer (Jack the Ripper). Time is undoubtedly chewed for what was the biggest advantage, but the disadvantage of expressionism: the artificiality of the staging, redundancy decoration, theatrical actors in the game, neglecting the narrative layer. These defects Cabinet Wax would add a first episode of Caliph, which has nothing to do with terror. However, even with the shortcomings of the movie Paul Leniego deserves to be called a classic of world cinema horror. But everything makes me gladly, however, goes back to films made ??nearly a hundred years ago ... todays horror films have nothing in common with this species and the so-called horror movies do not exist ... so its back to the old film program, I recommend ....Henryk
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:57:37 +0000

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