How do I get Maureen Dowd’s job? It seems like a good gig with - TopicsExpress


How do I get Maureen Dowd’s job? It seems like a good gig with NO responsibility to tell the truth. Today she FABRICATED A QUOTATION and the NY TImes handled with a mere footnote: “An earlier version of this column incorrectly quoted a response by Chirlane McCray, the wife of Bill de Blasio to a question about Christine Quinn. The column has been updated to reflect the full response.” Hmmmm. THE COLUMN “incorrectly” quoted?… The COLUMN did it? Not Dowd? See how removed that alleged apology is? Dowd lied, is what it should say. She lied about something a mayoral candidate’s spouse said. That led another candidate to denounce THE SPOUSE! Here is the candidate’s response to the lie about his wife: STATEMENT FROM DE BLASIO CAMPAIGN MANAGER BILL HYERS New Yorkers for de Blasio campaign manager Bill Hyers today released the following statement. Below is a transcript of Chirlane McCray’s comments, and a link to the audio. “Chirlane McCray was misquoted. As the transcript makes clear, her actual comments were about Speaker Quinn’s unwillingness to listen to the people on education, and paid sick leave, and any suggestion otherwise is disingenuous and absurd. From the closure of St. Vincent’s to the delay of paid sick leave to term limits, Speaker Quinn owns a history of ignoring everyday New Yorkers. Speaker Quinn’s refusal to ask the wealthy to pay a little more on taxes to ensure universal pre-kindergarten for every four-year old — Bill de Blasio’s signature issue — is another example. It is wrong for Speaker Quinn and her campaign to distort and confuse with baseless attacks in order to distract from the Speaker’s indefensible policy record.” — Transcript of Chirlane McCray’s remarks: MD: “What do you think the problem is with women voters, why hasn’t she been able to get that Hillary kind of thing going where whatever flaws are involved they’re excited to break that barrier?” CM: “Well I am a woman, and she is not speaking to the issues I care about and I think a lot of women feel the same way. “I don’t see her speaking to the concerns of women who have to take care of children at a young age or send them to school and after school, paid sick days, workplace, she is not speaking to any of those issues. “What can I say? And she is not accessible, she is not the kind of person that I feel that you can go up and talk to and have a conversation with about those things, and I suspect that other women feel the same thing I’m feeling.”
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 19:32:18 +0000

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