How does one even begin to adequately convey the quite absurd, - TopicsExpress


How does one even begin to adequately convey the quite absurd, illogical situation thats literally being forced upon us? We are, after all, an intelligent life-form that in but a speck of geological time has made such enormous strides scientifically & technologically, its hard to imagine any species anywhere in the Universe could evolve so rapidly in 3 million years! To have learned the innermost secrets of the Universe back to the first milliseconds of the Big Bang is a testament to our very ingenuity but then no species before had been blessed with such a multi-faceted, powerful brain, one which could contemplate, analyse & eventually understand exactly how nature conducts almost every aspect of its business. We arrived at the tip of biological complexity long ago or to put it another way - we know whats right & wrong! So, how do I explain whats occurring today? Right. No messing about - what we have is this - the most evil, vindictive, deceitful, greedy, racists, who not content with being donated land which led to the displacement of the indigenous population, over a million people without so much as a Shekel in compensation, sought to infiltrate the upper echelons of power, not just in the US & UK, the two countries instrumental in ensuring the greatest daylight robbery of real estate in history would go through without a hitch but in all major Western countries. In normal circumstances, in fact 99 times out of 100, indulging in such a level of skulduggery would be considered an act of war. Moreover, the protagonists would be rounded up & tried for Treason. But it didnt happen. Why? Two reasons - firstly, the big-wig bankers responsible knew it was imperative - before they could seriously think about spreading their tentacles far & wide, they simply had to have complete control over the flow of information. Among my vast anthology of info/articles, I have a blow by blow account of just how this was accomplished. If you so desire, Ill be only too happy to pass it on. The reason Im not including it here is because this was a long drawn out process, one which commenced over 200 years ago! So theres a lot of info. What Ill say for now is no one had any inkling what the Zionist bankers were up to - they were effectively cornering the entire media market! Only when the damage was done, did those with but a modicum of intelligence realize such a concentration of media power could well have serious consequences. This leads me to the 2nd reason & make no mistake - its every bit as significant. Bribery goes a long way. If not, coercion then aids the cause. However, there are, or should I say, there were several men & women who felt it their duty to truly represent voters. This, after all, was the essence of democracy! So, whenever a public servant refused to succumb to bribes or coercion, if ever they crossed a certain line, not only was assassination inevitable - the media would ignore the patently obvious while exploring every half-baked possibility with the utmost zest as if they were Sherlock Holmes & Lieutenant Columbo rolled into one! Moreover, this Modus Operandi over time was perfected so that merely deflecting any notion Zionists may have ever been involved never entered the equation! Guilt would be thrust unceremomiously upon those who were deemed anti-Semitic! Crucially the stage had been set. Forget about the Cosa Nostra or any of that Sicillian claptrap! When it came to mafiosi style tactics, Italians werent in the shake up! It didnt matter how famous you were or the power or influence you had. You cross the Zionists - end of story - you were brown bread! This ungodly level of control encompassed the bastion of film-making. Hollywood admirably set the stage so that the true conspirators slipped under the radar for gangster movie after gangster movie portrayed the I. Ties as the supreme underworld mafiosi kingpins - make him an offer he cant refuse! Hey Luigi. Kill that son of a motherless goat! Disrespect me? I want a contract out on that SOB! It may seem a joke but all this baloney has resulted & Id love to bet my last tanner, 19 out of 20 people believe targeted assassinations is a trademark of Italian mobsters. WRONG! This is the domain of the Zionists. Meyer Lansky & his Murder Incorporated made Al Copone & his mob look like the Salvation Army! Zionists actually believe theyve a God given right to assassinate whosoever they want. What places the icing on the cake though is those who so much as dare to ponder over whether they should stand firm, remain in no doubt - if they were to pay the ultimate price, its a shoe in the perpetrators will escape justice because the entire corporate media would ensure the public never discover the truth. Such a phenomenon is unprecedented! Small wonder today we are faced with this nightmare scenario for weve somehow permitted those who believe it their duty to commit cold-blooded murder to also control the flow of information. So - imagine the greatest criminals in history saying - you are forbidden to criticize us? If you do you might lose your freedom BECAUSE ITS AGAINST THE LAW! In the meantime we are perfectly within our rights to commit the most heinous crimes imaginable & blame it on whoever we so choose. We can even incite racial hatred by placing posters on buses in San Francisco that associate Muslims with Nazis! Dont matter if its bullshit. We make the news. Why do you think weve been dumbing down the polpulace for years? Even if we display blatant Apartheid policies; even if we steal more land from the hapless Palestinians & build more illegal settlements; even if we continue to violate international law; EVEN IF WE CONTINUE TO LIE OUR BOLLOCKS OFF ................. you cannot criticize us!........ ........................................ WELL, THIS IS PRECISELY WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW! Your silence is aiding & abetting the greatest gangsters in history!
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 22:00:24 +0000

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