How to piss off, a rich person...or....Punishment methode - TopicsExpress


How to piss off, a rich person...or....Punishment methode Burnett I was invited today, to visit a birthday party, for my friends two year old Son. grand boy, good boy, big boy yes ! Turned out, we were in the Parque Oueste, in Madrid, Moncloa end. Three children with birthdays. One party. Eight families. Aspiring higher middle class. All parents around and about forty. Oldest child, six. A delightful garden, a sunny day, beside a brook, luscious greens in grass and trees, comfort and joy !! I meet, I greet. I am the only outsider here. The chat is ninety, the food is, well, let me say...bought and price stickered ...yes, excepto, for my host, who has bothered to make mortilla cake and tortilla , with some other fine epicurean fancies ! I know, these people are heavy duty middle to high earning aspirants. Not a problem , supermarket branded goods...indeed I applaud their honesty. Again, excepto....they leave the price stickers on the goods ! Why, por favor ? We all know the prices, we all understand, just by looking, as to where they came from. This is known, to quote my taxi friend, in Marraksh. When a poor man, a street person came to the party, and asked for a sandwhich, I then seen, these could never be my friends. On three large rugs, displayed in their glory, was a feast, that the poor old Haroun el Rachid, would have slavered over, though, the superior array, of hams, salamis, cakes, breads, cheeses, tortillas, with my hosts mortilla, and crisps, cup cakes,minerals, beers, and so much else..... glistening in all their shiny plates,cups, covers, paper towels,napkins, everything.... All the people turned, afeared...yes...afeared, of the man, unkempt, dishevelled,obviously poor, and bristled. A man, a human, asking for a sandwich from the feast ! They told him NO....GO away..... two, I did not feel good for, anyway, wanted to square up to him. All these people are friends, they know each other, they were en bloc, together, against a poor man, asking for a sandwich. What do you do ? I know, in Morocco...and I tell you this, to shame any rich man friend of mine, that would deny a sandwich to a poor man, I know, in Morocco, the man would be embarrassed, by being offered so much, and indeed, to join the party ! For who is it, that can be so rich, to deny a crust, from a feast, to a brother or sister, or even the dog, in the street ? Am I being too hard, do you think ? Let me know. I was the outsider, they were the aspiring (Ha) rich. I brought him away, gave him some money,and told him, not to bother. These people were so un-savoury and devoid of even the basis of humanity.............................. Punishment Burnett I carried on with them, decided to share a small part of my life story. I told them of being mad Irish. I told them of early retirement. THEY LOVED IT, THEY LAPPED IT UP. I told them of my giving, all my money away. I told them of my impending wise. I told them, and I made them all sick..YES, sick, I told them...´I had no love for money ´. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Would you believe, that one of them got violently argumentative with me, and exuded, pure hatred ? Yes, hatred of my ideals. For, I had cut her very raison detre Her reason, and indeed, their reason to live !! I know, they went home, and were going to kick the baby, OUT THE WINDOW ! oh yes. For, to subvert the aspiring middle classes, by telling them, their money is no good..................seriously pissed off people, I can tell you. I had met most of these people, previously, at a childrens, music to learn with, class. again, in Madrid. I am sorry for these people, being so rich, they cannot give a mean tuppence halpenny sandwich, to a poor man, and I know, I never really want to meet any of them again. For, truthfully, for all their worth, they have nothing, for they lack humanity. They will reach no great nirvana, unless it be societal prestige, which, after all, as the great Dickens writes, is all humbug, too !! HUMBUG I SAY. Burnett Micheal Marraksh Morocco the Kingdom. 0034603104323 Espana Real..
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:52:08 +0000

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