How to talk about Robin Williams suicide. We need to define - TopicsExpress


How to talk about Robin Williams suicide. We need to define talk. Do we mean online or at the water cooler? If by the water cooler, thats when we speak prophetically, when we actually have some skin in the game, when it costs us something to be Jesus representatives where we live, work, and play. If by social media, weve gotta do better. Most of what I see posted is cheap (after all youre only typing away to strangers). Knowing theres a recently widowed saint from my former community who just lost her husband to suicide, Im genuinely infuriated when I read people carelessly posting about suicide and damnation in response to Robin Williams, and the cowardice and selfishness of the act. Do we think that people like her dont read these things on Facebook? What healing wounds are we ripping afresh? Social media is a party line and everyone is listening. That means we must be careful how we comport ourselves online. Suicide and damnation are legitimate things to discuss in a proper context. But throwing a verse up on someones newsfeed about murder and applying it to suicide, with no thought of the persons mental health, or consideration for the actual victims of a suicide who might read what youve written is absolutely reckless. If youre reading this and youve lost someone to suicide, I pray that this message will give you rest.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 01:18:25 +0000

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