Hows everybody doing? First day of February , which means, - TopicsExpress


Hows everybody doing? First day of February , which means, Valentines is just around the corner. Speaking of Valentines, since February is a HEART MONTH. Did you take good care of your heart? Did you listen its heart beat? Aside from Love that heart symbolizes, heart is the most important organ in our body. It is basically a complex pump, responsible for circulating blood, oxygen and nutrients around the body. And How the heart works? The heart muscle contracts in two stages to squeeze blood out of the heart. This is known as systole. In the first stage, the upper chambers (atria) contract at the same time, pushing blood down into the lower chambers (ventricles). Blood is pumped from the right atrium down into the right ventricle and from the left atrium down into the left ventricle. In the second stage, the lower chambers contract to push this blood out of the heart to either the body via your main artery (aorta) or to the lungs to pick up oxygen. The heart then relaxes – known as diastole. Blood fills up the heart again, and the whole process, which takes a fraction of a second, is repeated. What makes the heart beat? On average, most people have a heart rate of around 72 beats per minute at rest. This varies according to fitness, age, exertion and general health. Each heart beat is triggered by an electrical pacemaker - a group of cells in the heart that have the ability to generate electrical activity. They cause electrical impulses to spread over the heart and make it contract. The largest natural pacemaker of the heart is called the sinoatrial or SA node and is found in the right atrium. From it, specialised groups of cells that carry the electrical charge lead off to the rest of the heart. What can go wrong? Problems can arise in any part of heart – from the muscle walls (cardiomyopathy) and valves (heart valve disease) to problems with the pacemaker (irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia) and blood supply. If a coronary artery becomes furred up or partially blocked with fatty material called atheroma, that artery cannot then supply enough blood to the heart muscle to meet its needs during exertion or activity. The muscle ‘cramps’, causing chest pain. This is known as angina. If the poor blood supply to the heart worsens, so that chest pains start to happen more easily and with less exertion, its known as unstable angina. This requires increasing levels of heart medication or active surgical intervention such as an angioplasty or heart bypass surgery. When a coronary artery is completely blocked and no blood or oxygen reaches the heart muscle served by that artery, it causes a heart attack. This also causes chest pain as the heart muscle served by that artery dies. Depending on which part of the heart muscle is affected and the severity of damage to the heart muscle, the effects of a heart attack can range from a good recovery to instant death. Heart disease is the biggest killer in the UK, often causing death before the person reaches hospital. How to take good care of your HEART? Invest in heart-healthy foods,there are plenty of recipes that incorporate heart-healthy foods such as salmon, turkey, whole grains and vegetables. Take supplements According to WebMD, the following are just a few supplements can help improve heart health: Fish oil, plant sterols, niacin, fiber, green tea extract, coenzyme Q10 and B vitamins. Even if your diet isn’t completely heart-healthy, these supplements will help make sure that you get the enhancements you need. Talk to your doctor about a specific supplement regimen. AIM GLOBAL has it: Our Choleduz, Vida cardio- ceuticals and C 24/7 Natura-ceuticals, everything that your heart needs. Get moving Exercise is good for everyone, not just people that want to keep their hearts healthy. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, start with small steps. Taking a walk, playing golf, cleaning or doing other low-key activities you enjoy are likely to be ones you’ll stick with — and maybe even enjoy. As you build up more stamina, you may want to try more rigorous activities such as jogging or cycling. The goal is to get your heart working so it pumps blood more effectively through the body Know your numbers It’s a great idea to know where you stand so you know your risk. Find out your good and bad cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, weight and body mass index numbers. Aim Global also offers cardio- pulse esp. to all the distributors they can get discount. So, DONT take advantage of your heart, CARE about it and LISTEN to your HEART BEAT!!
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 01:14:27 +0000

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