Human rights violations in America worrisome PROVIDED TO THE - TopicsExpress


Human rights violations in America worrisome PROVIDED TO THE PYONGYANG TIMES in September Juche 103 (2014) US Secretary of State Kerry recently branded the DPRK as a “human rights abuser”, blustering that they would not look on with folded arms. It is an overworked trick of the US to raise human rights racket in slandering the DPRK. But it is too shameless for Kerry to find fault with the DPRK while shutting his eyes to the gruesome human rights abuses in his country. It was already reported that an 18-year-old black man was shot dead by a white policeman in Ferguson of Missouri in the US and another black young man aged 23 was killed by police in St Louis in the same state. The police outrages and the shielding of them by the judiciary incurred public anger. The demo that started in Missouri spread to more than 100 cities including Washington and New York in an instant. Upset by the fierce protest actions, the Missouri state authorities declared a state of emergency and the police turned out in a merciless crackdown on the demonstrators. The Los Angeles Times and other media reported that the recent incident has put the US standard of human rights on the chopping board of the world’s press. A spokesman for the European Council advised the US authorities to find the reason for the huge demonstrations in their socio-political background. What is obvious is that the recent killings of black men in the US are a breach of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. According to information published by the US authorities, a daily average of 265 people is shot and 87 out of them are dead in the country. The gap between the rich and the poor in the US is the widest on the earth. The haves accounting for 0.02 percent of the population possess 60 percent of the property in the country and the poor and black people are subjected to subhuman treatment. This is the reality in the US which styles itself a “model” and “champion” of human rights. This country which has no qualification to discuss human rights does not hesitate to meddle in the internal affairs of other nations and commit armed invasion against them, asserting that human rights “have no frontier” and “are placed above sovereignty”. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and other countries have fallen prey to the US-hyped human rights and the Americans have set the DPRK as the next target. But they should know that their “human rights offensive” can never work on the DPRK. Genuine human rights are guaranteed under the socialist system in the country. Many foreign visitors to it have acknowledged this. Billy Graham, an American religious leader, had said that God would have nothing to do in the DPRK after witnessing the reality of the country where all the people enjoy freedom and equality. However hard the US authorities malign the DPRK, wise people sneer at them. The US had better bother about its dreadful human rights situation instead of wasting time poking its nose into others’ affairs.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 14:27:08 +0000

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