#Humsafars | Victim and Perpetrator Today we would have brought - TopicsExpress


#Humsafars | Victim and Perpetrator Today we would have brought you some technical aspect of the shows that we cover, however, being the second last day of the year as well as a time of festivities there is something we would like to share and make you all take cognisance of as you celebrate the last day with much fun and fare. This post is especially for all the women out there. Beware. Women have come a long way from being given no independence to them achieving great heights in their chosen fields. What is more our country has seen a lady Prime Minister and a President. However, women still are looked at like an object to be possessed, to be controlled and to be put down. While many of us in the urban setting enjoy being able to work and lead a life that has similar freedom as a man, the basic aspect that a woman still does not enjoy is safety. Be it in a bus, a train or walking the street, women (if you just look at the news of this year) have faced molestation and rape that can curdle the blood, what is more it makes one re-evaluate one’s priority and re-think the so called independence. Should a woman leave home? Should a woman not leave home without some protection. But the worst case we had read about had the girl not travel alone and had become the victim of not one but 6 men. As we all dress up tomorrow to go for a party, a get-together or even enjoying a meal with friends to bring in the New Year, there is a huge mental list that one should keep in mind that revolves around safety. One has to find solutions to being safe. Even the Uber cab case has given us the jitter of travelling in a taxi tomorrow so that we as women could enjoy a drink or two. Be safe. While you make plans, ensure your safety, that is the message you will see in upcoming episode of Humsafars. To not be a victim and ensure that potential perpetrators are kept at bay. Keep handy enough safety devices, be it the helpline number on speed dial, the mace, a trustworthy male friend or a group of friends to ensure safety by numbers. Enjoy the festivities, wishing all of you a very happy finale to the year and hope that the new one augments with smiles and happiness galore.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 04:38:50 +0000

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