Hyvä kollegani ja ystäväni, osallistuttavan - TopicsExpress


Hyvä kollegani ja ystäväni, osallistuttavan ennakointitutkimuksen ja kaupunkitutkimuksen guru, Joe Ravetz vierailee Suomessa SYKE:n vieraana 19.-21.1.2015. Hän toimii mm. Horizon 2020 -tutkimusohjelman neuvonantajana. Hän pitää yleisöluennon 21.1.2015 ja vetää workshop -sarjan. “Beware of the elephant: how to think ahead in a complex uncertain world” A public lecture by Joe Ravetz Location: SYKE - Mechelininkatu 34 A, Helsinki - syke.fi Wednesday 21st January 2015: 0920-1100 We start with the old story of the 4 blind men and the elephant. One feels the trunk and thinks it’s a tree. Another feels the trunk and says ‘snake!!’ – the third feels the tail and says ‘rope!!’. The fourth steps in the *** and says ‘****’…. In our complex uncertain world, we are surrounded by elephants – bigger pictures, system effects, Grand Challenges etc. But our professions, our knowledge systems, our chains of production and consumption, all look for specialized parts in more and more detail. Those who see the greater reality and say ‘ELEPHANT!!!’ are often unpopular, and less likely to get grants or promotions. This session is the story of a journey in search of that greater reality, on the trail of ‘sustainable cities and regions’. Cities are the new shapers and movers of global economies and societies… but they are too often divided and dysfunctional. There is a huge challenge for our cities – (communities, neighbourhoods, city-regions, city-states, or urban worlds) – not only for themselves, but for up to 10 billion people on one small planet. In response there is an emerging Urban 3.0” next-generation city model. Instead of ‘winner-takes-all’ economic models, the Urban 3.0 model is based on creative synergy, networked collaboration, social learning and shared intelligence. This kind of synergy can then respond to the complex inter-connecting problems all around – climate change, social exclusion etc – and turn problems into opportunities. So what is to be done? Public policy, private business, civil societies are often dis-connected and looking for short term benefits. But if each side looks for synergies, then we can increase resilience, inclusion, competitiveness and prosperity in the longer term: not as a fixed blueprint, more of a process of learning and thinking. To help in this, some useful methods and tools have emerged: here we demonstrate ‘visual thinking’, as a way of talking with the elephants. Joe Ravetz is Co-Director of the Centre for Urban Resilience & Energy at Manchester University, and leads on sustainable cities and regions. His main books include ‘City-Region 2020’ and the forthcoming ‘Urban 3.0: creative synergy and shared intelligence’ (Earthscan). He has developed a new science of ‘Synergistics’, with a body of theory and practice on urban3.net. Joe is also a Principal at SAMI Consulting, a part time graphic facilitator, and delivers professional training and seminars, consultancy contracts, keynotes and reviews in many countries.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 06:47:28 +0000

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