I WOULDNT MIND PEACE ON EARTH... .... and I believe in good will - TopicsExpress


I WOULDNT MIND PEACE ON EARTH... .... and I believe in good will to everyone... Join the Forgiveness Revolution and pass this on... As Angels of the Heavenly Realms we lovingly wish you all the joys and jubilations of the Festive Season. xxx Last Christmas, we gave you our hearts and humbly offered our sensational 25 Secrets to Co-Creating Heaven On Earth Advent Vlog series which seemed to receive a rather lukewarm response on Earth. Or to be even more honest, was pretty much flagrantly ignored… We reflected on this and wondered if perhaps we had been a little overenthusiastic in our offering and thought we might make things a little simpler this year and merely offer our encouragement and angelic guidance for the PRELIMINARY step to this: How to bring about PEACE ON EARTH Is it possible, does anyone want it, would anyone know what to do with it, if they fell over it? etc., we hear you ask. We’d like to gently suggest, with the lightest nudge of our angelic wings, to waft you around toward facing that direction, that it is indeed possible and even preferable in every way to your current circumstances. As our friend John Lennon put it, War is over, if you want it. (He sends his love, by the way..) One of the best things about John was his ability to Imagine... It seems that many of you are bereft of any kind of “audacious” or inspiring vision of the future, particularly along the PEACE ON EARTH line, and mightily convinced that things can only get worse. (We noticed when Googling images for peace on earth, you dont really HAVE any - just a lot of nice calligraphy and an assortment of white doves...) It may seem that all the troubles of the world are out there in other countries, other tribes, other groups, other families, and if that isnt enough, available on demand whenever you like by watching any soap opera/drama etc. - there are SO many troubles in the world, for sure - but we’d like to boldly suggest that there is a very simple solution: We firmly believe in the power of the individual and in the simplicity of this profound spiritual teaching: IF EACH PERSON TAKES CARE OF THEIR OWN CRAP, THERE WOULD BE NO ILL WILL LEFT IN THE WORLD... Sit with this idea a little… Where else could ill will possibly reside apart from in the human heart? Possibly even in your own heart? Possibly? Even cats don’t sulk for that long! Like a stone in your metaphorical shoe, holding onto resentment, anger and ill will is irksome. It makes you limp along, causing you pain, makes dancing awkward, driving - precarious, running for the bus nigh on impossible and the person, people or things that you are resenting are skipping along in their fancy-free ways, with nothing troubling them at all, unencumbered by YOUR stones. (They may have stones, of their own, true, but they, like you, would also benefit by following our guidance and finding a safe place to sit and empty their shoes of stones, before walking on.) So join us and John in imagining this: Living life in peace, yoohoo: Lets bring on an Almighty shoe-emptying initiative all around the world... And of course, because imagining alone may not induce immediate ceasefire all around the world, no matter how fantastic and inspirational your vision might be, you will also have to ACT on the vision. Vision is not enough; it must be combined with venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps; we must step up the stairs. Vaclav Havel So this is our humble offering to bring Peace on Earth in time for Christmas: Each one of you decides (as in makes the choice) to friend the Peace on Earth project.. You each decide to empty your own shoes. You each decide to let go of your ill will, you choose to forgive those people, places, things, organisations and entities that have failed to meet your expectations or have hurt you or upset you in some way. Start like this: Each one of you chooses to make a list of all the people you hold ill will against. This may be long or short, but make it real. If you have a long relationship with this person (or thing - you can resent things like hospitals or the government, too), then you probably are harbouring some resentment in there somewhere. Make your list. Then choose to find a way to let go of your ill will. There is such a profound process called “Forgiveness which we highly recommend. There are forgiveness coaches out there, there are workshops, retreats and books and you can make up your own way so long as it’s sincere and effective. If its helpful, the definition of Forgiveness we like to use is The absolute refusal to hold ill will against someone (or something) for something they did or didnt do KB Brown If EVERYONE - every single one of you chose to forgive EVERYONE on your list - you would a) feel a heavenuva lot lighter, b) you would feel freer, c) you would feel happier d) you would be able to encounter these people or things without feeling any contraction in your body or your heart, e) you would no longer be hobbling painfully (not even metaphorically) and f) you would look younger and less ugly (we understand that this matters to a lot of you and can be motivational) and because your heart would be full of only love, joy, appreciation and good will and if such a thing seems important to you as well - g) you would be part of the co-creation of PEACE ON EARTH! Try it - we think youll like it. We think youll like it BETTER than your current arrangement... MUCH better! If you have a huge list and think youll never have time to get through it all in time for Christmas this year, simply work on forgiving each one of the 365 people you resent on a once-per-day basis all through the year, and by NEXT Christmas, your shoes will be empty, you will be fleet of foot and there really WILL be PEACE ON EARTH.. Much like Julie Andrews had to make it a little bit easier for you when teaching her small tribe of Family von Trapp children how to sing, we would like to make it a little bit easier for you to get your heads around the idea of PEACE ON EARTH amidst all the evident struggle and strife you appear to be having on every level as you frantically prepare to be festive.. Try singing this to the tune of “Do Re Mi” Peace on Earth is coming here To a neighbourhood near you You can change the future course For humanity and you So the future lies with you Peace can come to every heart All each one of you need do Is forgive all people and all things and… When you know how to forgive Peace on Earth is where you’ll live! (repeat often... like 70 x 7) Simple, huh? As Angels of the Heavenly Realms, these are our glad tidings of great (potential) joy which we sincerely offer with jubilation, celebration, encouragement, blessings and love for your PEACE ON EARTH project. With our deepest hope, may there be Peace on this Heavenly Planet through every heart. p.s. PEACE ON EARTH depends on YOU, much in the way, if YOU download our Christmas single, Merry Christmas Means I Love You, and share our video with your friends and EVERYONE does the same thing, then our single will chart and be played on the radio and Peace on Earth will come all the quicker!! Share the love... https://youtube/watch?v=yY4Bv9wrBd8 We thank you from the very tip of our wings and the deep shininess of our halos! xxx
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 20:38:27 +0000

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