I am Beyond Grateful that our community is stepping forward and - TopicsExpress


I am Beyond Grateful that our community is stepping forward and wants to paint over the tagging. I truly am. HOWEVER; the Sheriff stated it is time to clean it up; not once in his meetings did I hear that was to mean simply painting everything. What I got of that statement was: * It is time to start picking up trash, It is time to get to know our neighbors, It is time open our curtains and become more eyes on life outside of our magic bubble inside of our homes. It is time to become engaged in our neighborhoods. It is simply TIME * so I encourage you to take more walks with your family; throw on some gloves and take a grocery sack or two with you and if you find noticeable trash, PICK IT UP. When you see a neighbor simply say Hi! If you pass a house where there is visible trash galore, ask if they need help cleaning it up. We can do community projects and help out. I have access to a pickup truck; my husband and I can take a load of trash to the dump. If you know of someone that has a pressure washer; or if you have one of your own, lets get out there and ask homeowners if we can try to wash the tagging off of their homes. when you see tagging on power poles, call the PUD and report it so they know about it and can come clean it up. * If we do NOTHING to change the environment in which we live, then we have NO right to complain about it. * My family, my Best Friend and I decided to pick a field and go clean it up. There are Several more fields to do this in; much more trash to clean up. we gathered over 15 grocery sacks FILLED with trash from ONE section of field. * The only thing to remember is to BE CAREFUL; wear gloves, do NOT pick up needles, watch where you are walking so you dont step on any either. If you find one, mark its location and call dispatch. We found TWO of them on Saturday and when we called dispatch, I had no sooner hung up the phone than 3 Sheriff Patrol cars showed up. THEY will take care of sharps and illegal things; DO NOT TOUCH THEM. So even if you are walking to Patton Park/Mommas/One Stop take a sack with you and pick up soda bottles, food wrappers, etc. If we can get 50+ people to volunteer to paint ONE fence, then getting those same 50+ people out there on a Saturday with sacks to pick up trash would make short order out of this. And if we can get every person to pick it up when they see it instead of stepping over or around it, we can KEEP it cleaned up. * I personally would like to do Saturday projects as a community. trash pick up, helping neighbors, even block by block. If you arent comfortable being away from your home for a set amount of time (aside from work) on a regular basis; then get your block together and start there. * As we drove around to check mail boxes, we saw not one street that would not benefit from this idea. GET TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS and work together. * Soon Neighborhood watch will be set in motion in our community; if we get a head start by getting to know our neighbors now, just think of how successful this will be. * ****AND; when you see a Deputy out here; THANK THEM. They put their lives out there, on the line, EVERY DAY to protect you and me... The ENTIRE Department has stepped up Significantly and I am very glad to see them driving around.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 17:14:14 +0000

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