I am emotionally attached to Ameer ul Momineen Umer Farooq radi - TopicsExpress


I am emotionally attached to Ameer ul Momineen Umer Farooq radi Allahu anhu. Whenever I think about him my eyes are filled with tears.His memories are so clear that I feel we have recently lost him.The man was sign of our glory and founder of great Islamic regime.His exceptional qualities made us able to rule the planet for centuries. History has not seen a ruler who was so simple in his life that he was reluctant to wear new dress and shoes.He did not rule the land while sitting in his palace rather spent his life in a restless way to know about the condition of his people.His sincerity and pain for his people never let him sleep properly. This restless person had a sincere desire to die as a martyr which was apparently not possible while living in Medina.Allah swt however accepted his supplications and he was attacked in the Masjiid of Rasool sal laho aliehi wasalam and could not sustain those injuries. His last wish was to be burried besides his beloved leader Muhammad sala laho aliehi wasalam.Ummul Momineen allowed him to be burried beside prophet sala laho aliehi wasalam. Now the restless man is taking rest in the company of greatest man of the history till the day of the doom. Although he left us but taught us the lesson of bravery ,simplicity and sincerity.If our coward and confused rulers follow only a fraction of his personality we can easily come out of clutches of imperialism.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 17:16:25 +0000

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