I am feeling a little sad tonight about Grayson and its hard to - TopicsExpress


I am feeling a little sad tonight about Grayson and its hard to explain. I try to capture the happy moments the best I can but lately Grayson just has not been himself. I feel like he has been down most of the time ever since he got pneumonia. I am really hoping this surgery will help him . Unfortunately he still has not been able to tolerate his feeds like he should which has caused him to be on a feed 24 hours a day. Due to being on a feed constantly he cannot roll around and play the way he was. I also feel this is affecting him neurologically because the last few days he has been fighting seizures :( I had him so strong before the pneumonia and now he is weak. I am going to try a new approach tomorrow sometimes a mommy has to follow her gut. I feel like Grayson is sad and that is not okay. Wish me luck. By the way I know it is not Halloween but we needed a pick me up tonight so tickle fest and trial run of his costume. How cute is he ?!!!!I am ready for this smile to be more present again. He is ok tonight just sad and fussy.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 02:12:33 +0000

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