I am getting really tired of this absurd rhetoric. This is as - TopicsExpress


I am getting really tired of this absurd rhetoric. This is as frustrating as that “Look Up” video from a few months ago. Who are these phone crazed zombies this guy is talking about? Looking at your phone is not an epidemic! And its anything BUT anti social. Its a tool that connects people all over the world, instantly, in a multitude of ways, and for many different purposes. I know some incredibly entertaining, interesting, and profound twitter users, youtubers, bloggers, pod casters etc. These artists, thinkers, and entrepreneurs make huge contributions to society with the help of their devices, and we all have the same tools to enjoy the fruits of their labour. OR TO CREATE FOR OURSELVES. And I guarantee they dont “measure their self worth by numbers of followers and likes.” IT IS CHEAP. EASY. GLOBAL.COMMUNICATION. Not the introvert creating demon these mildly-clever beat poets would have you believe. I am sure we have all met people who make rude choices regarding when they use their phones, but that is their personality fault, not the technology’s fault. Mobile phone etiquette does exist among reasonable people. Like all customs, some still choose to ignore these rules. However, they are also the same kind of assholes who cut in lines and talk during movies, but I DARE the dude in this video to write a beat poem about people who piss on public toilet seats. As you can see I used the youtube link for this post. I want to point out that the last few times this video came up in my feed, the link was not to the youtube page, WHERE THE CONTENT ORIGINATED, but to click-bait type sites. This tells me that the kind of myopic rubes who post this nonsense dont know how the internet works. They are easily duped by exciting headlines attached to REPOSTED CONTENT, done so by companies that want you to click for their ad revenue. (Ironic, considering this videos message.) These people clearly dont visit sites like youtube, vimeo, or reddit (Worldstar?) where the best content on the internet is often posted first. If your daily internet experience is nothing but Facebook and Buzzfeed, then I can see why you would have such a sour reaction to people actually GETTING SOMETHING RELEVANT out of their phone time. And speaking of sources, this guy does not source his. Which study says peoples attention span is less than a gold fish? Or that we spend four years of our lives on a phone? Im not just going to take your word for it because it rhymes. Also, he has 500,000+ likes on his Facebook page, so he has that going for him, which is nice. Please think before you post.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:51:16 +0000

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