I am going to tell you a story - my story! About how much - TopicsExpress


I am going to tell you a story - my story! About how much education has meant to me, what it has given me and what kind of world I want to create for others. Perhaps I am the lucky one, I did not have my rights taken away from me. I was not deprived from a proper education. I was brought up with equal rights just like my brother. I was not thought of less. During all my life education has been a big part and I have often pondered upon what education has given me; the freedom, the respect and the choice has taught me to empower myself. Because the best way for people to change their lifes is for them to have control and to do that in a way that they believe is the best for them. Wayo Wayo Youth Center are in an expansion phase and needs monthly donors. These efforts provides the youth from the slum education for a brighter future. I strongly believe these kind of grassroots efforts usually achieve more than the grand UN conferences that receive far more attention. Remember, the next Einstein or Dian Fossey may be growing up in a corner of the world without access to education. So the question is what can you do to help. Im now looking for helping hands to support these young youth in their development. Let them get the education they deserve and encourage their determination to lift themselves out of poverty. For those who wish to support should know that every contribution will go directly to their tuition. Help us or pay it forward!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 15:53:11 +0000

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