I am in an experts group where a discussion into marketing began - TopicsExpress


I am in an experts group where a discussion into marketing began with the question Is Marketing Spiritual which opened the door to discussing spiritual marketing among other things. The following is one of my posts in that thread and I thought it might be useful to some members here: A religion is an organized belief system typically built upon a collection of historical narratives (true or not) placing mankind into the hierarchy of existence. Generally rules, structure, and procedure grow up around these narratives as a system to induct novices and guide believers through their lives and worship. Spirituality is the act of seeking (and/or embracing) and understanding that which is sacred. This can be through religion though usually it is more personal, and unfettered by the dogma of organized religion, allowing for deeper (perhaps truer) communion. Marketing is the process of making products and services (including ideas, beliefs, concepts) available to others, most often purposed to result in an exchange for other goods, services, or money (selling). Thus we often speak of sales and marketing in the same breath when they are, in fact, two different, though related, processes. Spiritual marketing isnt about selling religion or even marketing spiritual ideas. It is a process akin to traditional marketing that fosters win-win, understanding, fairness, openness, to produce a positive, heart-centered, experience benefiting both sides of any transaction undertaken. You can be deeply religious, or you can be an atheist, and still practice spiritual marketing. Although the concept is found deep in history, at least as far back as the ancient Greeks, it came to the forefront of Western society with the New Thought movement in the early and mid twentieth century. The term itself is attributed to Joe Vitale who wrote a short book about it for his sister in 1999. It was later published and become a run-away best seller. Tony Teegarden, the self-discovery guru, says that spiritual marketing is the ability to articulate and convey your authentic beliefs around a service, product or brand transparently, consciously and with the end users benefit in mind. I agree and see spiritual marketing as the individual manifestation of the Law of Attraction. I am in the process of developing a significant course on this subject and would love to start a list of people who might be interested in learning more. Who in this group would consider themselves to be practicing spiritual marketing?
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 22:24:47 +0000

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