I am not crazy, nor am i stupid. If i wanted to bring a country to - TopicsExpress


I am not crazy, nor am i stupid. If i wanted to bring a country to its knees how would i go about it. I would infiltrate their leadership, and i truly believe thats what has happened to our country. Lets look at what we know. Obamas citizenship has never been verified. He was surrounded by extremist anti-government people, Rev. Wright, and Known terrorist, Ayers. Just to name a couple. His cabinet is full of Muslim Brotherhood, which is where all of the top leaders of Al-Qaeda come from. Anti Christian assaults have become the norm under his administration. He has taken it upon himself to just legislate laws at will, which he has no right to do as president. He is trying his very best to disarm the citizens of the U.S. The citizens being armed is why Japan only attacked Pearl Harbor, They had an all out invasion plan and decided not to go forward with it because of the amount of Deer tags sold in the U.S. Common sense has taught me that if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. Seal team six is dead, sandy hook is classified. No other school shooting is classified, why? Lets stop just taking the governments word for what they say has happened. As a country we are so distracted by stuff that we dont even care whats really going on, This leaves us very vulnerable for infiltration. Dont just look at one instance, studying scripture has taught me that you have to zoom out and look at the Bible as a whole, in order to get the correct message. If you take the time to look at Obama and his actions as president, there is only one logical explanation. He is a Terrorist sent to tear us apart from the inside out. Call me crazy all you want, my character assessment is never wrong. We are a country at war with terrorism and they are smart, sneaky people. They have unleashed their attack on our country and we have not even realized it yet. This is a very small portion of what Obama has done, there are pages more. Do the homework and lets wake up. The people who know me, know that i am not a conspiracy theorist, these are facts and we are doing nothing about it.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Feb 2014 02:40:39 +0000

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