I am not much of a Philosopher (for sure) my knowledge is limited - TopicsExpress


I am not much of a Philosopher (for sure) my knowledge is limited to facts. I am not much on reading into something that is not there. twisting a square peg into a round hole so to speak, I am sometimes accused of slamming, Sometimes I am even complimented on a message. Regardless, I have somewhat to say, First, the accusations of any who would say, if thats a Christian then the woods are full of them something to that right, they actually know how a Christian should live. we should never get Christianity and Believer confused, to be accused of being a Christian is the greatest compliment that can ever be given to a believer. As believers we strive toward that high goal, to be CALLED A CHRISTIAN. Many have turned away from the form of Godliness and are denying the power of the Holy Spirit and have little to say of the one who Bought them with the price of his blood, having done so, THEY HAVE VEXED THEIR RIGHTEOUS SOUL.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:29:52 +0000

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