I am only familiar w/ Mr. Brand vaguely as an - TopicsExpress


I am only familiar w/ Mr. Brand vaguely as an entertainer/comedian, but I say this brother in ideology is absolutely 100% on point!!! The current western political paradigm DOES NOT hold the solution for the vast majority of the U.S. citizenry. Voting in a capitalistic socioeconomic environment is an absolute practice in futility. - Corporate deregulation diminishes regardless of which two mainstream party is in office. - The massive historically unprecedented upward flow of wealth continues to occur regardless of which two mainstream party is in office. - The privatization of global public resources to the benefit of a small select few continues to occur regardless of which two mainstream party is in office. - The exploitation and dehumanization of humans worldwide continues to occur regardless of which two mainstream party is in office. Your influence as a voting constituent ends once the candidate you voted for gets elected or not. Beyond that point the elected official has favors to return, obligation to fulfill, and agendas to promote, all of which are in service to his or her financial constituents. (voting constituents vs. financial constituents) The job of the politician is primarily to package the agenda of his/her corporate constituents in a way that the public will buy into it and support it even though said agenda is diametrically opposed to their interest. Example, ACA (Affordable Care Act) (a.k.a Obamacare) is nothing more than a new tax on US citizens, drafted by private insurance companies under the auspice of promoting public healthcare insurance for the masses. The mandate of being required to purchase a product or service from a PRIVATE CORPORATION as a condition of citizenship or pay a fine is a de facto tax by definition... pure and simple. The current U.S. political system was originally constructed and is kept in place for the purpose of maintaining the current financial economic status quo. It was not designed for the purpose of providing redress to your social grievance. For a better understanding of the history of U.S. politics read: A Peoples History of the United States by acclaimed historian Howard Zinn. historyisaweapon/zinnapeopleshistory.html
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 12:13:16 +0000

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