I am pouring my heart out here. I am very humbled to share a - TopicsExpress


I am pouring my heart out here. I am very humbled to share a beautiful story of how God cares about the littlest people.... And honestly? This is the BEST early birthday present for me. Ready? When I was 19, I worked at a homeless shelter for women and children. There I met a little 5 year old boy named Tommy. He and his mama were running from an abusive man who wanted them dead. Tommy and I had a bond. He called me Cole. I carried him everywhere and kissed his face. The sweet little guy had ear surgeries because of his dad abusing him. I spent as much time with him as I could to help his mama. When I heard he may possibly be up for adoption, I begged my parents for him. When Tommy and his mom left the shelter, I sobbed. I wondered how he was for YEARS. My heart was broken. Fast forward 22 years.... I meet an incredible woman through some interesting circumstances. She became one of my best friends. I spent time with her and her beautiful 5 year old daughter. Her daughter called me Cole. I began wondering again how Tommy was... Today, my friend Debra Neumann posted about how her sweet son referred to me as Aunt Cole because he loves that we have lots of animals including a tarantula.... Debras son is 5... He called me Cole.... Now I am really wondering how Tommy is.... So, today I posted about Tommy on my Facebook... And I get a beautiful message from someone I do not know saying she was at Cornerstone Manor with a little boy named Tommy back around when I was about 19. I smiled and thought- there is NO way, this is my Tommys mama..... -My sweet friend ( I wont post her name to protect her) was given up for adoption. She was given this gift from her birth mom. The woman messaging me was my sweet friends birth mom.... I thought aww.... How nice of this woman to message me... She thanked me for being her adopted daughters friend and liked my story about a Tommy. Said she had to give a Tommy up for adoption because she knew it was best for him Wait..... I started asking questions about her Tommy.... And I texted My sweet friend and started asking her questions.....Specific questions so I could know if I found him for sure.... Tears were all over my face.... The Tommy I loved, carried around and cried over is one of my best friends brothers..... I am stunned. Seriously blown away..... This is no mistake or accident. A simple post, from my heart, led to me finding a little boy I prayed for and thought of for years.... Tommy is well. He was raised by people who love him incredibly. He was raised with his younger sister, one of my most precious friends.... I am seriously still so amazed. What a beautiful story on so many levels. Look how God cares for kiddos. See how He allowed me to find out that my Tommy is very well.... And a story of adoption.... What a lovely way for me to fall asleep tonight and to get ready to celebrate another birthday.... Knowing the little boy I loved and cared for? Is doing well.... His mom? Thanked me for what I did. I am humbled and so touched. Good night everyone. Love- Cole
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:50:26 +0000

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