I am so sick of peoples stupidity and luck of ability to think on - TopicsExpress


I am so sick of peoples stupidity and luck of ability to think on their own, I have to say something just to make myself feel better. I AM NOT CHARLIE! I refuse to be manipulated. I still have a brain ! A few years ago two British promoters of freedom of speech (I dont believe there is any) escaped from England to USA, only to be deported back to UK because they had the guts to make fun of the Jews. Tales of the Holohoax JAILED in UK! They were Simon Sheppard and Stephen White. (picture#1) . Charlie Hebo - so called satiric magazineis nothing else but an ideology very much against Europe, against whites, against Christianity, and against Muslims, and Islam. Never against Jews, never against Zionism, ask yourself why not? For example Charlie Hebo director Philippe Val was nominated by Sarkozy for a position of director of France-Inter, public radio (99% staff are Jews) Charlie Hebo always had freedom to publish every type of filth against white people. Freedom to provoke Muslims by publishing monstrous pictures of Prophet Muhammad. Mock and ridicule Islam. This magazine is infested with the Jews. The Jews wanted to create huge conflict not only in France, not only in Europe. They want to create conflict between Christians, white people, and Muslims and Islam. After their heinous war crimes in Gaza last year, after decades of brutal occupation of Palestine, the world opinion started changing drastically. Israel became isolated, and Palestinians gained more world population sympathy. Something needed to happen to reverse the situation...and it happen in France where there is a large Muslims community. But I dont buy it. They want to destroy us equally, weaken both Christians and Muslims. They want us white Europeans to sympathize with their Zionist plans in the Middle East. Sympathy for their plan of Greater Israel. Crazy plan! After they achieve their goal,( I hope this never happens) they will go after other religions, after other nations. Never trust a Jew! Todays Unity and Solidarity march in Paris and all those people who call themselves I am Charlie only shows how foolish people can be, manipulated, brainwashed, and that Zionist plan is working! Zionist want us to HATE each other! Just to remind you. In September of 2005 Danish daily Jyllands-Posten publishes 12 cartoons ridiculing Prophet Muhammad. Cartoons those are published the very next day in more then 50 countries, and of course caused world wide protests in Islamic countries. Who was responsible for this publication? Cultural editor Fleeming Rose ( picture #2) a Jew (born in family of Ukrainian Jew, close friends of Zionist from CFR, Daniel Pipes-INCOG) Why? Because that is the plan. Once more turn Muslims against Europeans, and Europeans against Muslims. This is typical for Zionists. This imaginary Muslim treat, this menace to democracy, will enable Europeans governments to take more freedom away from us. To control us easier. But they will say it is only to protect us! We need to be protected from our governments, who are all pro Zionist! (everybody should learn about Frankfurt School - how future ( under Jewish World Government) society will be constructed) Very scary, I hope I will be dead by then! Jews love what is happening in France, all the important world politicians are there. Bibi wouldnt even try to hide his happiness! They consider all of us a human garbage, today this garbage is drunk from 2 minutes hatred towards Muslims. This for sure, will again divert attention of world population from Zionists tormenting the Middle East nations. So freely and without punishment they can continue to draw new borders of their insane Greater Israel!!! I will not be surprised if eventually we learn that those killers in France were NOT MUSLIMS at all! I recommend you find out about Jewish Organization YAMAN, they are experts in pretending they are Arabs, and Muslims. They are famous for being killers for hire. They go through years of extensive training. They dress like Arabs. They are train how to imitate them. Their manners and behavior. Even how to swear like Arabs. At the same time they are great actors and highly skilled murderers. They also provided combat like training for police forces in the USA, and probably in most European countries. Look at some Charlie Hebo pictures. Picture #3 shows an act of insolent desecration of the cross in french catholic school. same skunk from Hebo was photographed with $10,000 cheque from Annahause-Bush Corporation, given to him for initiating a campaign of hatred towards white people. In conclusion all I want to say is. Dont be FOOLED, Dont be MANIPULATED! Open your eyes and start thinking! I have a lot of Muslim friends,and they are all great humans. Dont let your government to turn you against Muslims in your country! I dont see Muslim nations invading European countries, or others. Raping them, destroying them, killing their population! It is the opposite, and the killing machine of the the western warmongers is working at double capacity fueled with Jews hatred for all of us! I am a Roman Catholic and I love and respect my Muslim brothers and sisters!
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:41:40 +0000

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