I am writing this tonite to ask all of you for support to a very - TopicsExpress


I am writing this tonite to ask all of you for support to a very special family, the Grays. Amanda, Justin, Addy and Aaron. On November 29, 2013 my cousin Amanda went into labor bringing Aaron Joel Gray into our lives. AJ was born 25 weeks early, weighing 1 pound 15 ounces. Amanda Gray and Justin Gray were born and raised in Centre County PA and married in 2011. In Feb 2012 they had there first daughter Addison. July 2013 we got great news that another was to arrive in March 2014. To everyones suprise Amanda was lifeflighted the day after Thanksgiving to Hershey Medical Center where AJ was born. AJ has had numberous procedures and has been monitored 100% of the time. Amanda has not left his side since the day he was born. Justin has been there as much as possible, trying to work and provide for his family all at once. AJ has fought thru many difficulties and has a long road ahead of him, but he is a fighter, and will get thru all of this......Amanda has to stay home and be with AJ 24/7 managing to feed AJ every 3 hrs. and go to Dr. appts. and therapy almost everyday of the week. We have made up some pulling tshirts and beer huggies to help benefit AJ. The picture in the flyer is what will be on the back of the shirts along with AJG down the sleeve. If you decide you dont want a shirt or a huggie, I ask that you donate anything you can to AJ. We have set up a bank account for Aaron, so all checks and paypal will go directly to his account and shirts/huggies will be mailed or delivered to you. If you order before the 15th of the month expect your shirt by the end of that month. if you order from the 15th to the last day of the month, expect your order by the 15th of the following month. The address below is where you can mail your checks to with your sizes and number of huggies you would like. Or you can paypal and send a message doing the same thing....make sure you let us know the color and sizes or we wont be able to order your shirt!! Remember we are all pulling for Aaron Joel Gray!!! Thank You!!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:24:16 +0000

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