I believe I was able to cover every one of the important bullet - TopicsExpress


I believe I was able to cover every one of the important bullet points in this AFP service piece without ONCE using charged-language like far-leftist and leftist. I take the Western meaning of those terms to be anywhere other than the Middle-East or Eastern bloc which is independent of the Anglo-American Empire. There isnt a single independent country in Latin America which would even meet Ludwig von Misess definition of a socialist economy, i.e., no capital markets in the equity and debt of listed companies nor the ability for anyone to exchange by voluntary contract at will. In fact, the terms left and right are not in common use in Latin American politics at all except where there are actual fascist and communist parties of any significance. Since the dawn of Bolivarianism and other independence movements as real alternatives to colonial and neo-colonial rule, all of that palaver stopped. People realized that being apart from the USSA didnt mean becoming Cuba, even Cuba, which as Ron Paul said in that amazing speech to the Miami Cuban Republicrats before the 2012 Florida Primary: if you really want Cuba to be free, end the blockade and sanctions because the Castro brothers want communism there even less than you do. I can easily make the case that the USSA is far more socialist and economically interventionist than any of the far-leftist countries of Latin America. You can, too. Have a look at the effective tax rates. Most importantly, the toxic Cultural Marxism which holds sway in the USSA and Western and Northern Europe is completely absent in Latin America. To do and say the kind of annoying PC things were familiar with anywhere down here is behavior that would be considered so peculiar and disturbing to everyday life that anyone who did it might lose all their friends or get the shit beat out of them. You do NOT insult a strangers religion or family life or choice of habits, either way, if you know whats good for you. You certainly dont get awarded with a tenured professorship or a leading movie role for it! The mere idea of Evo Morales as a far leftist cracks me up. Hes a Part-Time Aymara, and not even great at faking it, who has flirted on and off with USSA and European expropriative communitarianism, only to come acropper every time, and have to go back to first principles. Bolívia merely has political independence and very relaxed domestic drug laws. And Morales is an aggresssively rheotical showman who truly despises Hobomber. Having a broad consensus against Zionism, and tightly-knit Arab and Jewish immigrant communities are absolute positives. That is not evidence of leftism. I do hope, however, that the West keeps using these weird labels though, as it buries itself in debt, war and misery, all loses all touch with human civilization and deceny. thedailystar.net/latam-comes-out-in-force-against-israel-35457
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 14:53:29 +0000

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